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Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank?
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 03:04    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

          BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Demolisher III Heavy Tank 
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2, Standard design

Mass:          100 tons
Power Plant:   300 Vlar Fusion
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    StarSlab/6 Ferro-Fibrous
  2 Coventry Light Autogun Machine Guns
  2 Defiance Hammerfist Heavy Gauss Rifles
Manufacturer:  Defiance Industries of Hesperus II
  Location:    Hesperus II
Communications System:  Niel 9000
Targeting & Tracking System:  Angst Clear View 2A

     When the Jade Falcons captured the original Demolisher factory on Sude
during the Clan invasion, the Federated Commonwealth solicited bids for a n
urban combat vehicle. The Lyran Alliance Armed Forces asked Defiance Indust
of Hesperus II to create a new assault vehicle whose capabilities would exc
the Typhoon's. The Demolisher II Heavy Tank is a direct result of that effo
The Demolisher III is the next evolution.

     The showcase weapons of the Demolisher III Heavy Tank are the new Defi
Hammerfist Guass Cannon. With their traditional love of large-bore weaponry
the LAAF devoted considerable time and resources into upgrading the Demolis
     The original Demolisher was created to concentrate the devastating 
firepower of twin Type-20 autocannons in one vehicle. the Demolisher II mou
the new LB-X and Ultra versions of those weapons, increasing the usefulness
fearsomeness of the Demolisher II. The Demolisher III holds true to this by
mounting twin Heavy Guass Cannons.
     Unlike the original Demolisher, both these weapon systems are mounted 
fake turret. This was do to the Heavy Guass's extreme size and weight, maki
it impossible to mount them in a turret.. Almost as an afterthought, like t
Demolisher II, twin machine guns are fixed in the front firing arc as an 
anti-infantry deterrent.

     The Demolisher III began full production in late 3066, only months bef
Cival War broke. Currently, under direct orders from the Lyran Alliance, 
Defiance Industries of Hesperus II has refused all orders for this new assa
vehicle outside of the Lyran Alliance.

Type/Model:    Demolisher III Heavy Tank 
Mass:          100 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  40 pts Standard               0     10.00
Engine:        300 Fusion                    0     19.00
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      9.50
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      5.00
Crew: 3 Members                              0       .00
Armor Factor:  206 pts Ferro-Fibrous         2     11.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                    10         56 
   Left / Right Sides:       10      54/54 
   Rear:                     10         42 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
2 Machine Guns           Front    0  100     3      1.50
2 Heavy Gauss Rifles     Front    0   28     3     43.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                1       .50
TOTALS:                           0          9    100.00
Items & Tons Left:                          16       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        7,161,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      1,220
Cost per BV:       5,869.67
Weapon Value:      807 / 807 (Ratio = .66 / .66)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 37;  MRDmg = 26;  LRDmg = 7
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 8
                   Damage PB/M/L: 3/2/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GA;  Point Value: 12

          BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Marksmen M1-21
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3067
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2, Standard design

Mass:          80 tons
Power Plant:   240 GM Superload I.C.E.
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    StarSlab/6 Ferro-Fibrous
  1 Defiance Hammerfist Heavy Gauss Rifle 
  2 TharHes 4 Pack SRM 4s
  2 TharHes Reacher LRM 10s
Manufacturer:  Defiance Industries of Hesperus II
  Location:    Hesperus II
Communications System:  Neil 9000
Targeting & Tracking System:  Angst Clear View 2A

    After the production of the Heavy Guass, designers began work to build 
tank that could handel its massive form. one designer began with the demoli
tank, a tride and true design. a new chassie was designed and a new weapons
package was choosen, but remaining factors remained the same. such as engin
armor, and electronics.

      combining a good blend of long range weapons and short range weapons,
marksmen main attraction is its Heavy Guass. only a few other tanks can mat
the shear destructiveness that the Marksmen can deal. this weapon allows th
Marksmen to do what few other tanks can, fight mechs.
     backing up the main weapon are dual lrm launchers. allowing it to enga
enemy armor at long range, showering them with missile after missile. causi
some foolish souls to try to get under there fire, putting them at perfect 
range for the heavy guass.
      serving as final judge and anti-infantry weapon are dual srm launcher
any vehicle thats closed enough to be engaged by the srms will probely be 
extremely hurt by the heavy guass. allowing the srm's to finish them of by 
finding breachs in there armor.
     over all the design is solid, armored, mobile, and packing a punch. th
only draw back is the lack of ammunition for the weapons. after only 120 
seconds of combat, the tank must resupplie.

==Battle History:==
     As with any military vehicle, the battle history of the Demolisher is 
mix of victories and defeats. Most worlds that bought the Demolisher did no
buy any support vehicles or light 'Mechs to help fight, and so the heavy ta
became known for its ability to destroy anything on the battlefield, thus 
earning its title as the "'Mech Slayer." Though reports of its battle prowe
are often exaggerated, the Demolisher is nevertheless a devastating vehicle
     Early in the first war, an unknown 'Mech force attacked the storehouse
the Kurita planet Kessel. At the time, the Kurita 'Mech forces normally 
stationed there had moved off to attack a Steiner world, leaving a lance of
Demolishers as the only defensive units.
     The invaders' force was composed of four light 'Mechs, two medium 'Mec
and two assault 'Mechs. Acting on information that the normal defensive for
had gone, the attackers believed that their "token" force would be sufficie
to destroy any opposition. What they did not know was that the storehouse w
guarded by a unit of Demolishers, else they would have brought 'Mechs more 
capable of long-range fire.
     Overconfident, the attacking forces first moved in one of their assaul
'Mechs to scare any defending troops into surrender. The Demolisher crews w
so terrified that all four of them fired at the huge 'Mech at once and 
destroyed it outright.
Seeing one of their number so quickly defeated, the other invader 'Mechs 
regrouped and attacked in waves, hoping to wear down the opposition. This w
exactly the wrong tactic to use against Demolishers. As soon as two or thre
the charging 'Mechs came into range, the four Demolishers destroyed them be
they could inflict enough damage to take out even one of the heavy tanks.
     Eventually, the remains of the invading 'Mech force decided it was wis
to depart the planet, but not before a lucky head shot destroyed the attack
second assault 'Mech.

      A variant test model exists, mounting a fusion engine. this allowed t
mounting a twin medium lasers, CASE, and increased ammo capacity.

Type/Model:    Marksmen M1-21
Mass:          80 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  32 pts Standard               0      8.00
Engine:        240 I.C.E.                    0     23.00
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:      0 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      4.00
Crew: 3 Members                              0       .00
Armor Factor:  120 pts Ferro-Fibrous         2      7.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     8         40 
   Left / Right Sides:        8      30/30 
   Rear:                      8         20 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 Heavy Gauss Rifle      Front    0   12     2     21.00
2 SRM 4s                 Front    0   25     3      5.00
2 LRM 10s                Front    0   24     3     12.00
TOTALS:                           0         10     80.00
Items & Tons Left:                          11       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2,784,600 C-Bills
Battle Value:      891
Cost per BV:       3,125.25
Weapon Value:      563 / 563 (Ratio = .63 / .63)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 33;  MRDmg = 23;  LRDmg = 9
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 5
                   Damage PB/M/L: 3/3/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GA;  Point Value: 9

one must work hard to cultivated the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.
vagabond- the one armed mechwarrior

[ This Message was edited by: Vagabond on 2002-06-14 03:05 ]
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 08:17    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

The Demolisher, Lyrans love that tank and they dont like missles as much.
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 08:23    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

One would think they`ve learned to stay away from one-trick ponies already. Mounting two HGRs with no secondary guns? Let`s hope the evaluation group decides for the Marksmen. Or Marksman , it`s only one tank...

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 10:54    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-14 08:23, Nightmare wrote:
One would think they`ve learned to stay away from one-trick ponies already. Mounting two HGRs with no secondary guns? Let`s hope the evaluation group decides for the Marksmen. Or Marksman , it`s only one tank...

Um...check out the official Alacorn Mk VII heavy tank from Record Sheets: Upgrades...

Let me put it this way...there is no need for that first vehicle...

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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 10:57    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-14 08:17, CampingCarl wrote:
The Demolisher, Lyrans love that tank and they dont like missles as much.

Explain the Commando then, and the Salamander and the Zeus and the Banshee and the Cobra and...well, you get the idea

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Clan Nova Cat
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 11:57    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

The Marksmen is a much more rounded vehicle, while the Lyran's don't always like rounded, even they have to see the flaw in a slow vehicle that at close range only does 20 damage (or would that be 22... ooooh can't forget about those deadly machine guns. LOL)
Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)

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8th Sword of Light

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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 14:33    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

There is already a vehicle called the Marksman, the Star League era artillery vehicle.

Lyrans do too use missiles on tanks, check out TRO 3026 and the Stumferr{SP?}.

The JadeDragon
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 18:49    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote


Um...check out the official Alacorn Mk VII heavy tank from Record Sheets: Upgrades...

Let me put it this way...there is no need for that first vehicle...

but mine is cheeper and dosen't mount the hated XL engine.

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 22:10    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

Gee..what about that wonder tank from MC2?? The Legion...

Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
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PostPosted: 14-Jun-2002 23:25    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-14 18:49, Vagabond wrote:

but mine is cheeper and dosen't mount the hated XL engine.

Yes...but this one is OFFICIAL...

BTW...I don't think I mentioned that it mounts 312 (yes, THREE HUNDRED TWELVE) points of armor covering FOUR facings...the front armor alone is ONE HUNDRED TWELVE (yes, 112) pts in thickness...that's enough to take 7 Gauss hits and still have some protective value...each side can take 3 short range HGR attacks without going internal and the rear can take 2 short range HGR attacks without going internal...

And it carries 24 shots for each Thor's Hammer...


[ This Message was edited by: Ruger on 2002-06-14 23:31 ]
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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 15-Jun-2002 13:36    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

Wow...all that armor and one simple low roll and it's love the crappy vehicle to hit roll table...but hey the tank has 300 plus points of armor...what a waste.

Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 15-Jun-2002 17:21    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-14 10:57, Ruger wrote:

On 2002-06-14 08:17, CampingCarl wrote:
The Demolisher, Lyrans love that tank and they dont like missles as much.

Explain the Commando then, and the Salamander and the Zeus and the Banshee and the Cobra and...well, you get the idea


I didnt say they didnt use them. I said they dont use them alot. The banshee has 1 six pack. The Zues has 1 15 rack. The commando is light and we Lyrans dont know not to put missiles on light mechs.
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 15-Jun-2002 17:32    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

That's Easy...Duct Tape!!!!

Sir HEnry

Sir Henry

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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 16-Jun-2002 01:28    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

And what about the STILETTO ?

I cant understand why Lyrians designed and produced this light scout mech which relies on missiles ONLY !



On 2002-06-15 17:21, CampingCarl wrote:

On 2002-06-14 10:57, Ruger wrote:

On 2002-06-14 08:17, CampingCarl wrote:
The Demolisher, Lyrans love that tank and they dont like missles as much.

Explain the Commando then, and the Salamander and the Zeus and the Banshee and the Cobra and...well, you get the idea


I didnt say they didnt use them. I said they dont use them alot. The banshee has 1 six pack. The Zues has 1 15 rack. The commando is light and we Lyrans dont know not to put missiles on light mechs.

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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 16:11    Post subject: Which is the next Lyran Heavy Tank? Reply to topic Reply with quote

"And what about the STILETTO ?

I cant understand why Lyrians designed and produced this light scout mech which relies on missiles ONLY ! "

Wow, cant belive I forgot about that mech. Right in the fluff it says we cant make light mechs well.
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