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Battlefield 1942
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Gunslinger Patch
Royal Black Watch Regiment

Joined: 04-Mar-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 09-Nov-2002 22:13    Post subject: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Just got it last night and it rocks!
This is what WWII Online should have been.

Infantry come in half a dozen types, scout (with sniper rifle and grenades), assault (automatic weapon and grenades. They all have a few grenades and a knife, heavy weapon guys have a pistol too. There's medics, anti-tank men, and engineers.

You can jump into empty tanks, half-trac, jeep, airplane, mbile arty on your side or you even steel one from the other side if it is sitting there unused.

Your infantry ammo is not much, but there are frequent resupply spots, and healing spots and you still take the flag so your side can spawn there by running into the building.

Planes are a real pain if you're on the ground, but there are fixed AA guns you can man, coastal defense guns you can man, MGs on the ground and at sea you can man, naval gun turrets and MGs you can man, landing craft and MGs you can man. And if your aim is good you can even shoot down a plane with an assault infantry. (I like to step out of the bunker, empty my magazine into one, and step back inside to get more ammo from the supply box.)

The plane controls could have been better, haven't made it off the ground in one yet. They should have added joystick controls for them instead of keyboard and mouse. But the AIs on your own side will not hesitate to take a plane up so you don't really have to fly one if you don't want to.

Up to 64 people can play a multi-player battle and time limits can be set or spawning tickets can run out. In single player you can die and respawn plenty, but each side gets only so many spawns, when the run out, they lose.

All in all, its a pretty nice shooter game, even if you can jump into a tank while defending Wake Island. (nobody had a tank on Wake Island, no halftracs either) (nor was Wake Island mountainous with very steep slopes coming up from the water, but hey, who's being picky?)
"Those who beat their guns into plows will plow for those with guns..." -Thomas Jefferson
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 09-Nov-2002 22:29    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Played the Demo. I was VERY impressed.

Been considering getting it.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2002 00:22    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

hey gunslinger. do u use gamespy? if so whats your nick?
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2002 02:03    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

i play the demo all the time. i'm a grade a sniper.

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Gunslinger Patch
Royal Black Watch Regiment

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PostPosted: 11-Nov-2002 15:30    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I had a gamespy name when I was playing WWII online, but I'll have to get another username since I can't remember what the old one was.

Once they've done some patches this game will be even better. Right now the weapons are not accurate to the army. For instance, the engineer has a bolt-action 5 shot rifle. That's accurate for a russian, but not the rest, the Brits had a 10-shot rifles, the Germans 8, Americans 8 shot semi-auto Garand, etc. And the Japanese assault troops surely did not have the German MP44. If they can fix that in a patch, that would be most excellent.
"Those who beat their guns into plows will plow for those with guns..." -Thomas Jefferson
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Gunslinger Patch
Royal Black Watch Regiment

Joined: 04-Mar-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 11-Nov-2002 15:46    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

And I've even had a short "Saving Private Ryan" sniper moment.

There was this tank next to a flagged windmill, an outpost I needed to capture. I was running there on foot when the tank showed up and I kept on running since I was on open ground and made it into the windmill.

I was a sniper that time, I had 3 grenades and there was an ammo box inside too. So I ran all the way up to the top balcony figuring to try dropping my grenades on the tank. But I couldn't see him from there, so I moved down the spiral stairs to look out of the small windows along it.

So I reach the second window and yeah, I could see the tank way down on the ground, with its turret reversed and aimed right at my little window. BAM!

I figure the shell didn't quite fully kill me, since I didn't get sent bact to the spawn screen just yet. First I was blown off the stairs and fell all the way down to smack into the floor below before I was sent back to the spawn screen.
"Those who beat their guns into plows will plow for those with guns..." -Thomas Jefferson
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Royal Black Watch Regiment

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PostPosted: 11-Nov-2002 16:29    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

For all snipers, the History Channel is featuring a program on the snipers of the armies throughout History tomorrow night at 9.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 11-Nov-2002 17:46    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

the point of the game is fun at a semi-real level. accuracy i'll forfite for playability.

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 11-Nov-2002 21:08    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

my only problem with bf42 right now is the sound issues and the choppiness of the engine (im used to half-life, which is extremly smooth) but over all its an excelent game with lots of replay value.

let me know what your new name is gun and you can tryout for my clan if you want to.
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Gunslinger Patch
Royal Black Watch Regiment

Joined: 04-Mar-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 12-Nov-2002 04:29    Post subject: RE: Battlefield 1942 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I already went through the single player stuff and tried some multiplayer tonight. I went for coop since I wanted pleny of AI troops to shoot at too. man was that a mistake. The AI on multiplayer has no settings and the enemy AI troops are tough.

I was having some fine fighting streaks in single player, killing half a dozen or more enemy in before dying myself. But in multiplayer I was lucky if I shot just one enemy before I died. My first try was joining a game doing the Battleaxe map, AI manned MGs were taking me out from way far away, so far I couldn't hardly see them using the scope on my sniper rifle, much less hit them. But the first 1 or 2 shots from the AI had no trouble hitting me at all.

When I tried the tanks, I learned the enemy tanks hardly ever miss compared to single player. If you fight 1-to-1 with tanks vs the AI, you are outmatched. And one time I had an assault rifle and caught an enemy sniper from the left side at very close range. After I put half a dozen rounds into him he turned and nearly killed me with just one shot before I used up most of my 30 round magazine to finally kill the sucker.

For coop at least, I would definetly say we need to be able to set the AI difficulty just like in a single player campaign. If you can't even see the AI guy manning the MG, he shouldn't be killing you with his first one or two shots from 2 freaking miles away every time you spawn and step out from behind the bunker.

Hopefulle team play (without AI troops?) will work out better funwise. The players are supposed to be the toughtest troops in the battle, not the nameless AI soldiers.
"Those who beat their guns into plows will plow for those with guns..." -Thomas Jefferson
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