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A ponderance. What would you do?
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Clan Hell's Horses
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PostPosted: 08-Mar-2002 13:15    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

I was working on the Gaboon last night. When an idea stuck me. If I remove the Endo steel and use a XXL engine (Which I really do not like) I turn the Gaboon from a decent mech. To a real nasty one. But I will let you decide

Here is the orginal gaboon without mods
BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Gaboon
Tech: Clan / 3025
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 3, Standard design

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel
Power Plant: 400 XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous
2 Ultra AC/20s
1 Light Active Probe
1 ER Large Laser
Manufacturer: (Unknown)
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System: (Unknown)

Type/Model: Gaboon
Mass: 100 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 152 pts Endo Steel 7 5.00
(Endo Steel Loc: 4 LT, 3 RT)
Engine: 400 XL 10 26.50
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 19 Double [38] 6 9.00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 4.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA R: Sh+UA 12 .00
Armor Factor: 307 pts Ferro-Fibrous 7 16.00
(Armor Crit Loc: 2 LA, 2 RA, 1 LT, 2 RT)

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 52
Center Torso (Rear): 10
L/R Side Torso: 21 35/35
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 7/7
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 42/42

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Ultra AC/20 RA 7 40 16 20.00
(Ammo Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT)
1 Ultra AC/20 LA 7 8 12.00
1 Light Active Probe RT 0 1 .50
1 ER Large Laser HD 12 1 4.00
TOTALS: 40 77 100.00
Crits & Tons Left: 1 .00

And here is what I came up with

BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Gaboon
Tech: Clan / 3060
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 3, Standard design

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: 400 XXL Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Ferro-Fibrous
2 LB 20-X ACs
4 ER Medium Lasers
1 ER Large Laser
1 ER Small Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: (Unknown)
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System: (Unknown)

Type/Model: Gaboon
Mass: 100 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 152 pts Standard 0 10.00
Engine: 400 XXL 14 17.50
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 18 Double [36] 4 8.00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 CT, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 4.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA R: Sh+UA 12 .00
Armor Factor: 307 pts Ferro-Fibrous 7 16.00
(Armor Crit Loc: 3 LT, 2 RT, 2 LL)

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 46
Center Torso (Rear): 16
L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 17 34/34
L/R Leg: 21 42/42

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 LB 20-X AC RA 6 40 17 20.00
(Ammo Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT)
1 ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1.00
1 LB 20-X AC LA 6 9 12.00
1 ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1.00
1 ER Medium Laser RT 5 1 1.00
1 ER Large Laser RT 12 1 4.00
1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00
1 ER Small Pulse Laser HD 3 1 1.50
TOTALS: 47 78 100.00
Crits & Tons Left: 0 .00

The second has alot more firepower. But has a greater risk of being blown up by it's own ammon (She can be a heat pig)or being knocked out of the fight when you remove a torso.

So I put in to you. Which one would you prefer. Firepower or Durablity?

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Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 08-Mar-2002 14:51    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hmm...for the XXL engine ,which makes you VERY vunerable, you gain 4 ER Medium Lasers. This mech suffers from the same problem the Kodiak does...its ALL short range firepower. You have nothing beyond a 500 meter or so range. This thing could picked off by an Incubus with the ER PPC just by staying out of range of the Laser.

But, the XXL does not it make it that much better.
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 08-Mar-2002 19:04    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

For the 40 tons invested just into the UAC 20's (which almost make the unit seem like an overgrown Hunchback IIC) you could slap on three Clan Guass Rifles, leaving you with 4 tons to play with. Then, speed and heat aren't issues.

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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 08-Mar-2002 22:27    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

But gauss rifles don't carry the pucker factor 2 UAC20s do.

And UAC20s don't blow up when their hit either.

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 12-Mar-2002 23:53    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

Swap a ac20 for a gauss. you already have case right? Now you can reach out, but still maintain the pucker factor of the AC20.

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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 13-Mar-2002 06:21    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

If you have a gauss I'll just try and get up close and personal with you--most have no fear of gauss rifles no matter how many you have.

But if you have even just 1 UAC20 most will try and avoid being within the pucker factor isn't even close

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[ This Message was edited by: chihawk on 2002-03-13 06:21 ]
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 13-Mar-2002 07:46    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

Durability is an Asset that doesn't go away with time. FirePower, there is always someone with more. So I'll take Durability.

Split the Difference, Have 1 Gauss and 1 UAC20. That will get the job Done!!!

Sir Henry

Sir Henry

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 13-Mar-2002 08:58    Post subject: A ponderance. What would you do? Reply to topic Reply with quote

That is what I said. 1 Gauss, 1 Uac. get too close and I will take you down, maintain your distance and you will be punished. hit about 7 or so and I will be happy to do wonderfully ugly things to your mech. I would even have enough heat to use some of those lasers.
Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side & a dark side, and strings also lie under it all.

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