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Stargate Fanfiction story I thought I would share
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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 1326
Location: United States
PostPosted: 22-Jun-2004 14:55    Post subject: Stargate Fanfiction story I thought I would share Reply to topic Reply with quote

Wrote this myself! Just some notes:

Takes place after the events of Hero's Part II, and is part of my annoyance with the death of Dr. Fraiser.

I'm posting it here and not on the fiction section cause its not BTech related. It can be moved it should be! Wasn't sure about that!

What I would like:
1) Comments on content, i.e. like dislike and why. The WHY is the most important. Don't post or email if you don't give a why.

2) Grammer problems. I have a few, but I've read this about five or six times and my brain is now dead.

3) Email me at


Stargate: Redemption

Pain. It was amazing what that single word could do to change someone's life forever, to change your thoughts, your desires, your dreams, your hopes.

Pain. That is what it all came down too. She smiles a bit at that thought, the one thing she had fought against her whole life had come to her in her time of need, and now it was not the enemy, but what she held onto.

Pain. The ground was soft she realized as she brought herself to rest against it. The trees looked so real, the smell of leaf mold and plant life was so strong, the taint of blood so real. She had never experienced anything like this before.

Pain. Daniel was important. He was saying something, but she couldn't hear, his movements were to slow for her to bother with. She decided what she needed was sleep.

Pain. She closed her eyes and knew that she would see Cassie soon. She would like to smile when thinking of her daughter, but her lips seem frozen. No matter.

Hope. The ground to be as soft as pillows, her fatigues as warm as her sheets at home. Her eyes were tired, she realized as the world slowly faded away.


Chapter 1
Colorado Springs

The alarm rings, and the shrill sound startles Janet up from a horrible nightmare. She shakes her head, her hair tousled and soaked with sweat. She takes a deep breath, and presses her hand to her forehead. Groaning softly she checks the time and sees that it is early morning, she curses softly but knows she has to be into the SGC for SG1 had been ordered to go fight Anubis, and would no doubt need medical attention However, she felt an overwhelming desire to see Cassandra.

Taking her slippers, she walks quietly down the dark hall of her house, feeling slightly disconcerted and disconnected. Wasn't that mirror on the other wall? She shook her head, obviously the effects of the nightmare still lingered in her system. She slowly pushed open the door to her daughter's bedroom and looked down at the young women who rested there, a motherly smile making her face beautiful despite the early hour. Cassie turned over and yawned, coming awake and smiling back at her mom. "Hey beautiful." Janet whispered, coming into her room to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Hey mom." She murmured. "Is something wrong?" She asked, slightly confused as to why her mom was in her room at such an early hour.

"No Cassie, everything is ok. I just wanted to be with you for a moment." Cassie smiled and was soon back asleep. She was enjoying her Christmas break, as was most of the country no doubt, except for the SGC. Janet stood and left the room, making sure not to disturb Cassie as she departed.

She went down the stairs and felt an extreme headache coming. She winced and wondered if this was the culprit for the nightmare. Sighing she made her coffee, and slowed down her breakfast to admire the Christmas tree that her daughter and she had chosen so very carefully. With a smile, she went about getting ready for work.


Dr. Fraiser surveyed the room with a critical eye, her white lab coat swished as she paced up and down the Infirmary, giving every piece of equipment a double check. Every nurse was grilled on preparedness; all medic teams briefed and ready. Nodding she went to her office, her private sanctuary to sit down and see if she couldn't get rid of the pounding headache.


Nurse Wells leaned over and shook Dr. Fraiser's shoulder, and almost leaped back in shock at the heat that her body generated. She had been moaning and stirring, her head resting against the cool metals of the desk as she cried out at whatever dreams were stirring inside of her. Startled awake, she stood up, "Daniel..." she started to speak, but lost her train of thought. She looked at the Nurse who had gone pale and then turned yelling for Dr. Warner.

Coming into the room and surveying Dr. Fraiser's condition, Warner quickly realized that the problem here was far more fundamental then just a bad nightmare. Her shirt was covered in a cold sweat, her skin pale and her hair soaked. Her eyes were wide with some half-remembered terror, and her hand was clutched protectively to her chest, as if trying to still her beating heart.

The Nurse comforted her, moving forward and laying a hand on her shoulder, slowly guiding her up and out while Dr. Warner quietly began to get some diagnostic equipment. Janet shook her head, slowly coming back to herself, but realizing that she did really feel... strange. Not feverish, or any of the typical symptoms of virus or bacterial infection, but something else, as if a part of herself was lost or missing, something she couldn't quiet catch, but that was necessary for both spiritual and physical health.

She sat through her tests quietly; Dr. Warner was efficient and caring. A few of the nurses gathered around as well, until Wells shoed them away. When the lasts of the test had been bagged and sent for analysis she looked around, "Dr. Warner, permission to leave the infirmary and head home?"

Dr. Warner shakes his head, pulling a stool over to sit down, "Although we do not have the data yet, I am not certain you are at all healthy to travel. You can call home if you like, but I would prefer you stay here in the infirmary." Nodding he refers to his clipboard. "Blood work will be back soon, and we can make a judgement based on that data." Smiling he stands and heads back to do rounds. Fraiser lays down once more and drifts slowly back to sleep.

Her head hits the pillow softly, but instead of feeling the sheets and bed that she lies in, she feels dirt, smells the overwhelming scent of blood and realizes with fear that it is hers. She is off world; her chest is on fire, blasted by a staff weapon. She is sure of it, as she looks for Daniel and sees only Nurse Wells, who stares down at her concernedly.


"Well?" Hammond walked into the conference room self assured and angry. His best doctor, one of his best friends, almost a daughter to him, was lying in pain, suffering in the infirmary and he would be damned if he couldn't stop it.

Dr. Warner looked uncomfortable. He looks over to Nurse Wells who gives a slight nod while holding a new pile of test results. "Well Sir, I have no idea what is wrong. Her white blood cell count is normal, also there is no sign of infection from either virus, bacteria, or any form of Gau'old technology. There is no fluid in her lungs, or swelling of the lymphnodes. Pulse and respiratory systems are off, but she has been having horrible nightmares, even while sedated." He frowns slightly, knowing that he basically knows nothing.

Wells interjects, "Sir, new tests taken just a few moments ago with the MRI also show that... well sir, I know this is going to sound strange but the only other time I've seen readings like this is when the alternative Carter came to this base." She sighs and shakes her head; her blond tresses falling down to cover her eyes in an unconscious imitation of early behavior she used to do when giving bad news to her father.

Hammond, an incredulous look coming over his face, looks at the two medical professionals. "Are you trying to tell me that our Doctor Janet Fraiser, the one that I walked into work today from the parking lot, is from an alternate reality? The one who has been out of work for two days and far enough away from the Quantum Mirror, which is under lock and key?"

Dr. Warner nods, "Yes sir. That is my hypothesis. Who she became out of phase with the rest of us, I do not know. However, if Dr. Fraiser is to live, we have to get her through the Quantum mirror now."

Hammond considers, "How are we going to turn it on? After the mission to P5R 889, the control device was destroyed. Also, how would we know where to send her?" Both Warner and Wells looked at each other, neither knowing the answer, which delivered nothing more then a snort from Hammond. "Get me those answers. Dismissed." Both stood and saluted as the General stormed into his office.


Fraiser opened her eyes and looked up to see her daughter standing over her, a look of true concern on her face, which quickly fled as she realized her mother was awake. She tenderly reached down and brushed her hair out of her face, "You look like a mess." She kidded gently, hoping to win a smile.

Janet sat up, looking around to gain an idea of what was going on around her, but smiling as she ran her hands through her hair. "What has happened?" She asked, confused as to why she was lying on the bed.

Cassandra frowned, true concern winning its way back past the fragile facade she had placed for her mother. "They think that you are not in the proper universe." She quickly explained what the experts had learned, falling back on reciting facts and numbers, avoiding the emotional centers in her brain that told her that she was about to loose her mother. "You have been unconscious for two days and SG 1 is back. They want to see you. Sam especially." She leans over and takes her backpack up, rummaging through it for a moment. "Oh I brought you some clothing, and an early Christmas present." She smiles as she hands over a wrapped box.

Smiling Janet takes the box and slowly begins to unwrap it, the beautiful maroon ribbon falling away; followed closely by the green silk that embraced a beautiful wood box. Janet slowly opened in and her hand went to her mouth as Cassandra leaned forward and gave her a hug. "Merry Christmas Mom." She is going to say more, to express her love for the women who had taken her in and raised her, fought for her, and had simply been there for her. She was afraid of loss and her carefully constructed bravery fell away completely, crashing into a wild sea of uninhibited emotions and love.

Janet's arms wrapped around her daughter, as she realized just how scarred she was, seeking to comfort as her hand grasped her gift, a beautiful necklace, of silver and amethyst. The centerpiece was a white caduceus; the snake replaced by olive branches and on the back was engraved her name in Greek, in a flowing italicized script. The top of the rod was replaced by the symbol of Earth, a pyramid with a circle over it. Cassandra smiled, "Sam let me use her lab to make it. Jack made the box, and Daniel engraved it. Teal'c got the triennium, and the amethyst from off world."

Janet shook her head, overwhelmed, "It's beautiful Cassie, I'll never take it off." So saying she put it around her neck touched by her daughter's thoughtfulness. As they talked some more, the unmistakable sound of booted footsteps came to them, and Samantha Carter entered the room, moving straight towards them. She was obviously concerned, the smile that came to her face was forced, her eyes flashed with adrenaline and concern as she looked for some way to fight for her friend. Cassie stood and came over to hug Samantha.

"Hey." Sam started, putting her arm around Cassie's shoulders as they were quickly joined by Teal'c, Daniel Jackson, and Colonel O'Neill. "We came as soon as we were done the briefing." Sam moved over to Janet's side to here the story as Cassie greeted each member of the team, her brave face back even though it looked to her as if SG 1 was about to collapse. She realized that she needed to be the strong one, and so she was. As, they all looked on with pride at the necklace; they also were slowly being succumbed by fear and their fighting instincts to protect their friend.
As the story finished, both Sam and Daniel looked at each other and muttered, "Quantum Mirror." Both took off at a run as Janet looked on in shock. Not back for more then two hours, and both were ready to go on another mission. Not to save Earth, but to save one women who meant so much to the entire team. Jack and Teal'c watched them go, and then turned back to Janet, vowing not to leave her side until a cure was found.


Hours later, Sam and Daniel were in a lab. Books, papers, and theoretical models were spread over every surface. Every inch of vertical space was covered in theories that Sam had expressed. And frustration was high. Jack stepped into the room quietly, turning to close the door behind him, as he listened to the two argue back and forth over what they had discovered, learned, or found. Both desperately were trying to find a solution.

Jack coughed quietly, and both turned to him at once, seeing his down trodden face, both paled. "She had another attack. Which was worse and more severe then any before now. They have her heavily tranquilized to ease the pain, but cannot do much more then that. Cassie and Teal'c are down their now. I thought you would like to know." Turning he left quietly.

Daniel rubbed his eyes, removing his glasses as he watched Jack's back retreat down the hall. Mumbling he stood. "I have an idea." Sam stood and followed him, the questioning expression her face held in check from her fear of making her friend loose his train of thought. "What if, what if, for some reason we don't know, some influence of the mirror or the mirror technology that Janet was exposed to, she had slowly been changing over time. In response to her change, the mirror might open to the realm where Janet can go. It's not a solution, but it will give us time to find out what was wrong, and fix it."

Sam paused in the hallway, Daniel turning to watch her. "How could that happen? Without the controller, the mirror can't activate. And Janet has never really been exposed to the mirror either, wouldn't that more likely effect you then her?" She looked puzzled.

"I have no idea why it would or wouldn't. I'm guessing, but either way we should get a closer look at the mirror."


Janet stood up suddenly, ripping IV's and monitors off her body as she stumbled to her feet. Her sudden actions startled Teal'c who rose to his feet, and Cassie, who had begun to dose off. "What is wrong Dr. Fraiser?" Teal'c asked, his voice calm and soothing.

"Must get to the mirror." She muttered and began to walk towards the door. Stumbling she caught the edge of the bed as Cassie and Teal'c raced to her side. Supporting Janet, they pulled the tiny doctor up as she fell into another fit, followed closely by another. She gasped out, "Mirror." And both Teal'c and Cassie looked at each other, realizing just what her mother wanted. Dr. Warner walked out of his office as the monitors indicated a flatline, and shouted after them as they left the infirmary.

Teal'c led the way, eventually throwing Dr. Fraiser over his shoulders, and taking Cassie by the hand. As they approached the storage rooms they found the door opened and looked inside, seeing both Daniel and Sam looking at the mirror in shock, seeing that it was on, showing a temple. Alarms began blaring and the voice of Dr. Warner called for security. Cassie looked up at her mother as Sam and Daniel came to help support her. "Need to go through." She murmured. Her eyes glazed as another attack took her. Everyone looked at her in shock, knowing that it was true, but not grasping why or accepting the fact that they were about to loose her.

Cassie smiled and gave her mother a last longing hug, feeling her arms wrap around her, she smiled up, "You're a brave girl" she murmured and soon everyone came forward to wish their friend, doctor, and companion good luck on the adventure she was about to take. She pushed them away and ordered them not to follow, her voice was firmer and she even managed a smile. "I'll be ok." She whispered and reached back to touch the mirror.


In the monitor room, Jack quietly stepped in and with a pair of scissors cut the phone cord of the technician about to order security to intercept Teal'c at the mirror Storage room. The man looked up in shock and then quickly calmed down, as Jack pointed a gun at the man. "Let her go." He said quietly as he watched her fade away over the monitor, absorbed by the technology they did not understand. Smiling he nodded, "Good Luck Doc."

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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 1326
Location: United States
PostPosted: 22-Jun-2004 14:57    Post subject: Chapter 2! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Chapter 2
Province of Tesh

Janet sighs softly as she wakes, the only sound that interrupts the stillness of her sleep and her home is the sound of a cheerful fire, providing light and heat to the room. She turns over on her bed, wrapping herself in the silk sheets and soft pillows, cuddling with herself in warmth and comfort, feeling truly relaxed and happy.

Fire. She sits bolt upright, and for the first time realizes that she is not home. Her tousled hair falls across her eyes and she brushes it aside impatiently as she stares at the ornate fireplace, marble tiles engraved with roses, birds, and animals encase a granite fireplace easily the size of her dresser at home. A fire dances cheerfully in an iron basket, obviously designed to keep the logs from rolling onto the thick and soft carpet, the cream and red design obviously done by the hand of a skilled artisan. Her eyes continue to gaze around the room, taking in the large pictures, of beautiful mountains and forests, a blue sky with rings like those of Saturn rising from the horizon. Her clothing is spread over a thickly stuffed chair, pulled out near a desk covered in writing instruments. Her hand goes to her neck, but Cassie's necklace is still there.

She stands, wrapping a sheet around her as she begins to look about the room. The carpet is just as warm as she thought, the material soft and comforting. She trails her hand across the dark wood of the desk, brushing writing materials and coarse paper. She continues to look about her, taking in the forest green walls, oak paneling, and small oil lanterns scattered about the room. A second door leads into a bath area, the large stone tub empty and with no obvious plumbing except the drain. She eventually gets to the windows and looks out, gasping.

Spread before her is a winter wonderland, a great yard covered in pristine snow, marred only by evergreen and a glorious fountain, its grace and beauty apparent even under the snow. A road leads away from the building she is in to enter the embrace of a pine forest, the dark woods covered in white, sparkling in the morning sun as if made from diamond and emeralds. The sky, covered in a low layer of clouds, looks peaceful and quiet, as if the world was holding her breath, waiting for Janet to speak.

Except for the knock at her door. Turning Janet realizes she isn't dressed, but has no time to do anything more then hike up her sheet and bite her lip. Her eyes gazing at the door as it began to open. A woman took a glance around the doorframe and smiled, her face a brilliant expression. "You're awake!" She cried and sailed into the room, closing the door quickly behind her to a protesting male voice. "Hush. I will let you in when its appropriate." She rolled her eyes to Janet in a friendly expression.

She was a tall women, her skin pale, her eyes a deep brown, almost black. Her face was angelic, heart shaped and open, framed by curly black hair. Her hair tumbled down to her shoulders, entwined with a string of pearls that formed an eloquent touch. She wore a high-necked dress, similar to a ball gown, flowing and sweeping with each step. The dark green material was embroidered and shimmered in the light of the fire. The women's smile evolved into her natural expression, one of open friendliness and Janet relaxed. "We washed and cleaned your clothing, taking care to save these." She reached into a pouch on her belt, and pulled out Janet's service medals and ribbons. Smiling Janet took them, "My name is Pearl Halvon, Countess of Tesh. Please consider me at your service. Are you a priestess?" The women asked, nothing more then polite inquiry as she took Janet's arm and guided her back to the bed.

"No, I'm a doctor, an officer in the United States Air Force. Janet Fraiser." Janet smiled, but was afraid the expression was no where as near as open as the one that she had been given. She felt small and graceless next to Pearl.

The women frowned slightly, as if trying to understand what that meant. Then smiled, "I am not sure what a Doctor is, nor this Air Force you speak of, but allow me to welcome you to our home." Pearl smiled and stood from the bed, gesturing for Janet to remain sitting. "Allow me to call my maidservant. She can get you settled and find out what you need."

Janet nodded, "I'll be happy to explain where I am from, and who I am, but I would appreciate a bath, and time to change." Pearl laughed, and then headed back towards the door.

"Please, just wait here. I shall instruct my husband that you are not ready to face the day just yet." She bowed and left the room. Janet stood and quickly checked her clothing; everything was cleaned, and still warm from being ironed out. Even the small tear on the sleeve she had been meaning to repair was fixed. Impressed she gathered her clothing and headed towards the bathroom when the door knocked again, and this time a stern lady in a severe black dress walked in, leading two men holding a large container of steaming water.

"To the bath." The lady orders as she bowed towards Janet, "Mi'lady Pearl explained to me your needs. It shall be my pleasure to help you settle." She smiled, the expression softening the lines of her face as the two men chatted amiably with each other. Janet heard water pour and then the men left, bowing on their way out. Janet headed to the bath, the old lady following behind, pulling out a small packet of soaps and oils. "Here, take your pick." She smiled as Janet quickly took a few of the sweeter smelling bars and disappeared into the steaming water.

"Thank you so much. I am still not sure what happened." The lady closed the door quietly and laughed.

"Dear," Janet wondered when the women had stopped bowing and instead referred to her as dear. "You appeared with great fanfare from the Mirror of the Angels wearing the symbol of the Healer. I must admit, you put our priests into quiet an uproar," She grinned, "Though it was probably good for them. They do not get out enough, and the stirring of their blood is good for their health."

She listened to Janet splashing, enjoying the warm water. She felt truly relaxed, and with the relaxation came back the memories of the past few days, and the need to find the SGC and her daughter. She frowned as these memories came back, but continued to wash. "The Mirror of the Angels?" She asked, her first priority, of course, was to determine where she was, and if the locals were friendly. Which for now, she was tempted to assume.

"Why of course dear!" The lady chuckled, "Do you not know your myths? The Angels on their white chariots protected us from the two dark gods, the one that was the fiery power of the sun, the other, the serpent of the night. They left us relics to remind us of those days, of what we had earned. They were glorious!" For a moment the old women was back in her temples, reliving those glory days, and Janet let her. "The dark gods were bound to Circle of Hell, an evil disk which spawned them forth to pollute our planet. Their numbers were large, their vile forces, half-human half animal, covered the great southern empire when the White Angels first appeared. They drove the armies' back, following them through the portal. Their staffs called down the holy power of heaven, their chariots carried them again and again against the armies clutching to the ground.

"It was a great battle, and after it was done the White Angels approached. They told us that they would banish the dark ones forever from the world, and come to lead us into a great age when the time was right." Janet continued to listen, absorbing the story. "And now the time is right, and the need greatest. For the armies of darkness have returned to our world, and as promised, a White Angel has come!" The lady seemed very happy.

Janet stopped splashing. "Wait, you think I'm this White Angel?"

The old lady smiled, "Of course dear, why else would you come from the Mirror?" Janet closed her eyes, quickly got out of the bath and dressed. Opening the door she stepped back into the room to see the lady sitting in a chair, she smiled at Janet. "Oh you do look pretty all cleaned up." Janet blushed slightly.

"I'm sorry, what is your name? I'm Janet Fraiser." She came over and offered her hand.

The women looked at it strangely before replying, "Anne Ginna."

Janet smiled, putting on her best doctor face and voice, Anne smiled back. "Anne, I am not sure if this will make sense, but I wish to be completely honest with you. I'm not a White Angel." Anne shook her head, obviously not believing her. "No, hear me out. I'm a Major in the United States Air Force. I am also a doctor, a healer; I repair the injured and cure the sick. I am also a warrior, and I fight to protect my country and people. I worked with people from my world to fight the Gau'old, what you know as the Dark Gods. I believe you referred to Ra and Apothis, both of whom we have defeated. Another Gau'old has probably come through the Stargate, the portal you referred to."

The women smiled, "But the White Angels also fought from the air, do you not as well? Is that not what an Air Force is? And you fight the dark gods, the Gau'old" she stumbles over the unfamiliar word, "as you call them. You are a healer, and a warrior. Your modesty is proper, and shows your great spirit, but it is obvious you are a White Angel, here to save us." The lady stood and Janet did as well smiling, "No do not argue! It is impolite to argue with your elders. Let me get you some breakfast, and tell Pearl that you are ready to speak with her once more." The women turned and left and Janet cursed herself, having a lot more respect for Daniel Jackson.

A few minute later there was a knock upon her door and Janet went and opened it, marveling still at the quality craftsmanship that had gone into this home. Standing at her door was a tall man, his black hair cut short, and a beard well trimmed. He smiled, and bowed slightly, "Milady. I am Count Adrian Halvon, and I was wondering if I might have a moment of your time?"

Janet quickly did her best to copy the bow and moved to unblock the door, "Of course, milord. Do I owe my thanks to you for this wonderful treatment?"

Adrian laughed and shook his head, "No, that would be my wife. She feels that any who are in need shall receive the best care as by the old traditions. Not many keep those traditions up, but we do." He smiles calmly, and Janet takes a moment to study the man. Knee high boots encase his legs, and a pair of black trousers, lined in green are tucked into them. He wears a tight shirt with stiff collar around his neck, and a deep blue sash, done in a diamond pattern across his shoulder. Over his left breast are a number of medals, pinned carefully into the shirt. A saber rests comfortably on his hips; the weapon is plain and obviously serviceable. Janet considers herself carefully. He studies the room then turns to face her, "First I must apologize for how the staff will treat you, many believe that you are the incarnation of the White Angels, but as a man of science, I cannot say that I follow the old mythologies much. To be honest, I do not know from whence you come, but your bearing and clothing do mark you as military. I was hoping I could talk to you about strategy, and about the Dark Gods, if you know of them."

Janet smiled, so it was a polite interrogation, though she should have expected this. At some point someone would recognize the medals and clothing as being more then simple decoration. She nodded and gestured for the lord to sit, while sitting in the comfortable chair. He smiled and went to rest against the fireplace. "Milord, my name is Major Janet Fraiser, United States Air Force. You are right, I am in my nations military, but I am a doctor, a healer." Adrian nods. "I have been assigned to the force that defends my world from the Gau'old. What you know as the dark gods."

Adrian again nods, his gaze going abstract, "What do you know about these Gau'old?"

Janet considers, "A lot. There are many of them, in a loose confederacy known as the System Lords. They can travel through space, where the stars are, in large ships that can then land on a planet's surface, such as this one that we are on. Their primary forces are Jaffa, a species that has been born to hold larva Gau'old in their bodies until they mature. They are parasites, they steal everything they have."

The man frowned and nodded, obviously committing this information to memory. Janet continued, explaining anything she could remember from the hundreds of briefings. They're cruelty, the reasons for it, the Tok'ra, the Tau'ri, and their struggles. The man nodded, "As I thought, they are as mortal as you or I, but are technologically superior. You're people fight them?"

Janet nods, and begins to recount more information, stopping as she thinks of poor Cassie, Daniel Jackson, Sha're, Skara, the Tolan. She recounts tale after tale in a halting fashion, the memories causing her great sorrow. Will I ever see my family again? She thought to herself. Throughout this telling Adrian let her take her time, even going to the door to take her breakfast from Pearl and setting it before the brave women so willing to help him. He learned a lot and filed it all into his memory, knowing that in the coming battle, it would be useful.

Pearl as well listened. She was fascinated by the tales, the military terminology coming so easily to the mouth of this petite woman. They sat and ate, and with a shuddering breath, Janet finished. She had not realized she had known so much. "Though I do not know much about military strategy and tactics, what I can help you with is medicine and healing. If you desire such information that is." Janet nodded, having regained her composure, and realizing that she needed this mans help.

Adrian nods as Pearl watches him. "First I should tell you. These Gau'old are back to our world. They have taken the Southern Provinces, brought them to heal quickly though I have seen none of these ships in our two campaigns against them." Janet considered the rings above the planet and wondered if the extra rocks and dust in the upper atmospher might make it hard to land an attack vessel, or fly a Deathglider. "However, more and more troops come, and there is only so much that the Northern Provinces have been able to do. However, the... Stargate," he used the Earth name, rather then the less scientific Circle of Hell, "is firmly under the control of the Gau'old." Janet nods, "We are planning to attack come spring, to get to the circle and find some way of closing it. Can you help?"

Janet smiles, "That I can do, for we share a common enemy, and hopefully our two people will become closer because of this."

Pearl smiles, "Well, until then Adrian, we should invite our guest to enjoy Midwinter's Eve with us, a special time of feasting and thanksgiving for the year and its bounty, and joyful prayers for the new years. Would you care to join us?"

Janet smiled, "I would be delighted."


The Great Hall of the Manor House was loud. Very loud. Janet walked in, wearing a gown borrowed from Pearl's daughter, who was away at a university of some sort. The House Guard at the door drew their muskets to their shoulders and saluted as she walked in, and she smiled, falling into an easy military stride, despite the fancy dress. Midwinter Eve dinner promised to be very exciting and very loud, she stopped as suddenly a man stepped forward, his polished shoes clicking against the hard wood floor as he announced her. "The Lady Fraiser of the Tau'ri!" Heads turned all about the room, and for the first time, Janet noticed that the vast majority of guests were dressed as servants and peasants, and only a few were dressed in the fine clothing of the rich. Janet was surprised, and touched that she had managed to find such decent people.

She enters the room and mingles with the others, quickly grabbing a glass of something white off the side table and moving around and shaking hands. Many whispered that she was a White Angel, but none ever said that to her face. Her clothing seemed to do nothing more then confirm suspicion despite the generous and touching gesture Adrian had made in having the tailor create a sash which had the symbol of the Air Force and her service ribbons on it. He explained that all those who serve were allowed to wear such sashes, that they were a badge of honor.

She thought of the many who died on her watch fighting the Gau'old and thought that if their was honor in that, it was hard to find. Adrian nodded at her thought, recognizing it, and had let his hand rest on her shoulder. "When I go out to war, I regret everyone I kill, but when we face such an evil as the Gau'old, who wish to enslave us all, kill us all, we are left with little choice, little comfort. By honoring the fallen, we maintain a level of civility. There is no honor in death, but there is honor in service." He had smiled and turned to go.

Janet thought about it. Knowing that he was right, that to honor a life was valid, but she could not escape the death, the willingness of her friends to kill Apothis when he was helpless, remembering the actions of Daniel Jackson to calm the mind of the host, even as she fought. Remembering her own struggle against Niitri to save her daughter. Honor in life.

Now she met the people that were the tenets of this land, under the Province system as Pearl had quickly explained it to her no more then a few minutes ago. It was a feudal system, but with more rights given to the peasantry then she had ever heard of.

So she entered the festival, the black silk dress gracefully draped across her body, her auburn hair left loose to hang against her shoulders, decorated with a golden chain and droplets of amber. Anne had accompanied her in, still grinning in satisfaction at a job well done. Janet thought she looked pretentious. Anne had just huffed, "Not at all. If you are going to become the advisor and leader little Adrian needs, then you will have to play the part." Janet chuckled at the nickname, shaking her head slightly as Pearl had smiled.

Janet approached the table and took the place where her name was written on a card. Sitting she introduced herself to the man on her left, an old warrior of some sort to judge by the Sash and scars, and watched as Adrian and Pearl sat down next to her. They both smiled as everyone eventually took their seats and the meal was served.

Dinner was an informal affair, but at the very end, Adrian stood up and the crowd quieted. He bowed to everyone, even the musicians who had stopped playing to eat. "Tonight the old year ends, and a new year begins. To show our thanks, we shall each now say what each of us is most thankful for in our lives, and our wish for the new year. May the Angels grace us with their protection and strength." He grinned as he finished the prayer, "I shall begin, I am thankful for my wife, Pearl." He smiled down at her and she smiled back, "For my friends, family, and guests tonight, and I wish for a safe new year, in which the enemies that have fought us are driven away." Murmurs of accent come from around the room, Janet smiled at the simple ceremony, her thoughts drifting to Daniel and thinking how fascinated he would be if he were here right now.

Pearl stood, and Adrian remained standing. "I am thankful for my husband, Adrian. For the seasons that have brought us abundant crops, and to our engineering spirit, which has helped advance Tesh to newer and greater heights. I, too, wish for peace to come to our land, and for the foul ones to be dispelled." Pearl turned to look at Janet with a smile, gesturing for her to stand. She whispered, "You do not have to if you do not want, but its a simple ceremony."

Janet smiles and stands, blushing slightly as so many eyes turn to gaze at her. "I am thankful for my daughter, my friends old," And she smiles at Pearl and Adrian, "and new. I wish to be reunited with my family and for the Gau'old, the dark ones, to cease plaguing all mankind." Pearl squeezed her hand and the tradition continued around the room, until, as the last person spoke, the fire slowly burned down to ember and the room was taken in darkness. Adrian and Pearl lit a candle, and used it to light Janet's, who repeated the procedure with her neighbor, until the entire room sparkled in candlelight. Then the ceremony was over, and the guests filed to their rooms.


"So as you can tell, we will be hard pressed to hold the passes, even with artillery and musket. The Gau'old staff weapons are strong, and though we have captured many models, we do not have enough to counter their overwhelming numerical superiority." Janet frowned as the old commander explained the situation.

Adrian too was looking at the map, plotting an idea, "Well, we can establish our line further back into the pass, if they strike early enough perhaps the firing of the cannon will trigger an avalanche? It could not hurt to have nature herself join our fight."

The man considers, "But if they attack late? We simply have given them more terrain to hide in." A soldier walks into the room, the young boy, looking proud and nervous at the same time hands over a report before saluting and leaving the room. "We have 88,000 troops to throw into battle along the mountain passes against a superior number of these.." he stumbles for the word.

"Jaffa." Janet murmurs. Still staring at the map. She knew they were trying to save themselves, but the thought of the slaughter they wanted to set up made her slightly ill. However, she knew that there was no choice, they had to have some advantage. She swallowed her bile, her hand brushing her stomach as she thought. "Perhaps I might be able to help. On my world we have a device we refer to as a 'claymore,' its an explosive that you place on the ground and detonate from a distance. They are extremely useful if placed in strategic areas. Line them up every ten meters along the pass, as they go up, you can detonate each line." Both men looked at her in shock and she grimaced. "Not that I am condoning such weapons, but you need something or the terror of the Gau'old will be worse." She shook her head, "Just promise you'll detonate all of them. Mines are horrible weapons, but the only option you have."

Adrian nodded, looking slightly sick himself. "Such a weapon could have devastating consequences if used without morals." Even the old commander looked sick, and agreed quietly, though they both realized it was their only real choice. He was of the old guard, however, and as Janet had learned, wars used to be handled by single champions dueling each other until first blood, or to the death, with set demands and rewards agreed upon before the duel. The slaughter of gunpowder weapons had removed armies from the battlefields, as the population of the provinces could not withstand the losses, and all realized that war had to end if they were all going to survive.

The arrival of the Gau'old changed all that, now the gunpowder weapons, not used in over a hundred years were remade in mass, and Janet had taught them earth manufacturing techniques such as the assembly line. They had doubled their available forces quickly. Now she was giving them another weapon to hurt with. She sighed. She hated herself at times like this, these meetings when she realized how hopeless the situation was, but that she had no choice but to help. She eased her conscious by teaching medical techniques as well, bringing the level of their medication many decades forward. She even identified a number of antibacterial plants that she hoped to bring back to Earth with her. These small acts let her hope that their was indeed hope, that the Gau'old could be stopped, and many Jaffa could be saved and converted to their cause.

She quickly explained the concept of the mine to one of the scientist who went off to manufacture a model, and then she stood and stretched. Adrian immediately stood as well and offered her is arm. "Come, this meeting was stressful, and it is time for both of us to relax."

Pearl met them outside the building where they had been planning with warm cloaks and horses. She smiled, "Let us head to the temple. Janet, it is time we showed you something."

So saying the three mounted their horses and galloped through the winter snow, towards the temple, where two months ago, Janet had appeared, fleeing a universe that no longer had need of her. She thought back on the changes that occurred to her over that time. Well, not changes, but rather, how her life had fallen on skills she had never really needed. Her military training, bits about the art of war she never knew that she had learned coming back to her, things that Sam had said in weekend discussions on the Gau'old and their threat to the world.

Her drawing. She had always had a slight love of art, occasionally sketching as she waited long nights in the infirmary for SG1, or more specifically, Daniel Jackson to come back injured. She smiled at that, though it was really unfair to the poor anthropologist. Now her room was covered in art, pictures of Cassandra, of Daniel, of Samantha, of Teal'c, of Jack. All were so important to her, their images burned into her mind, and now forever caught on the canvas that Pearl had found for her. Even Pearl and Adrian had agreed to pose for portraits, all of which Janet hoped to bring back to Earth.

Then they were at the temple. The frosty air was fresh and easy to breathe, and Janet dismounted, marveling at how fast she had picked up riding a horse, how strong she had become with the constant exercise of drill and riding. They stepped up stone steps of the ancient building and were met by three of the Priests, one of whom bowed low to Janet, welcoming her into the building. "Milady, it is an honor to have you return to us." Janet blushed, she had tried and tried, but until Adrian directly ordered it, everyone referred to her as an Angel.

Adrian simply referred to her as his military attaché from Earth. Though he didn't know where Earth was, or their position on anything, They had made a deal, if Janet helped them, he could get her through the Stargate, and with medicines and cultural references as well as a promise of alliance with the people of the Tau'ri. His scribes already labored to copy the major histories down for one Daniel Jackson. "Great One, we have come to view the mural room if that is permitted." He bowed low, using a term Janet still found confusing.

Priests who joined the order of the Angels were referred to as Great Ones, their names and families forgotten so that they could concentrate on attaining the attention of the Angels if ever the need was great. Janet was most embarrassed around these people, because they referred to her as Great One, and insisted that she call them Servants. A young man in the white robes of a novice came forward and bowed, gesturing that the three follow.

They traveled for some time, going down staircases and through hallways. Always deeper and deeper into the complex, and finally they came down another flight of stairs that ended in a simple doorway. Janet frowned. The door was made of metal, and a slight humming filled the air. She wondered if she had stumbled on Asgard technology. However, the Novice simply bowed and left, and Adrian opened the door.

Janet looked around the room her mouth falling open in shock. Around the room were the murals of the stories that she had been hearing since her arrival, of the White Angels. She got closer to the walls and noticed that they were not painted, but instead seemed to have been made this way. Adrian smiled. "The last gift of the Angels was this room. They made it with their magic, what we call technology, then they left." He gestured to a sarcophagus in the center of the room, the large metal container molded into the floor, with the bust and body of a large creature carved into the top. "This is the only visual representation of the Angels we have left." He looked down at the sarcophagus and sighed, "What I would not give for their staffs of fire to counter the Gau'old."

Janet went back to studying the walls, and looking closely she saw that the Jaffa were charging glowing beings, their bodies made of metal with large metal wings and fans. They did not use staff weapons, but instead grasped flame-throwers of some kind. She looked closer and saw the glowing red eyes on the suits that the White Angels wore, and the use of long staffs and gasped. "The Gau'old steal everything!" She quickly moved around the room, noticing Deathgliders, but white instead of black, White Chariots. She gasped in amazement, realizing that these were the people who had created the weapons and technologies most used by the Gau'old ground forces. There was no mention of the pyramid ships, or teleportation rings, but for sure the Staff Weapons and Deathgliders came from here. She turned back to Adrian and Pearl who stared at her in confusion.

She quickly explained. "The Gau'old steal everything they have. They hijacked the StarGate network to create a galaxy wide empire. A lot of their technology comes from four ancient races, but till now, no trace of where the Staff Weapon had come from existed, until now. Before encountering these White Angels, the Gau'old used fairly primitive, but very deadly weapons. This is phenomenal."

Adrian nodded, agreeing with Janet's assessment. She walked over and rested her hands against the sarcophagus, beginning to investigate it very carefully, looking for the jewel or switch that would open it, "I wonder what is inside?" Adrian and Pearl both to began to investigate and Pearl beamed as she felt something click, and the top folded away, just as a Jaffa warrior's helmet.

All three stood together as lights dimmed and a smaller version of the man on the outside came into being. He bowed, "Greetings. I am Harshet, leader of the Alvegal." Though he wore the armor of a Jaffa, it was white and dazzling, his facial features were also noble, though covered in scales and with multifaceted eyes. That did not effect the musical voice, nor the fact that the alien was a leader, even a holographic recording projected the force of his personality. "I have left this message for a time of need, to inform those that I leave behind, those we freed from Gau'old slavery, that they are welcome to take up our cause and arms to fight the Gau'old. Your presence here has indicated that you have discovered our secrets and simply by holding still, you shall be shown what you need to fight."

They stood still, Janet waiting for something like the Asgard scanner, or something, but nothing came. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, and she shivered slightly, feeling the energy in the room as panels on the far wall began to open. They gasped at what they saw, as the panels withdrew to show row after row of armor and staff weapons, a grand total of two hundred if Janet knew how to count.

Each one seemed preserved in some sort of blue crystal. The hologram spoke, "Step forward, if you do not contain a symbiot then the crystal shall part for you, giving you access to our weapons, our technology. Take it and use it in good faith." The hologram shut off, and Janet moved forward, and as predicted, the crystal melted away into nothingness, and she lifted a far lighter and more eloquent looking staff weapon into her hands.

Adrian as well stepped forward and another crystal melted away. Both looked at each other, and nodded. This was technology far superior to that of the Gau'old.


With experimentation and careful training, they learned that the armor and staff weapons of the Alvegal were far more advanced then the Gau'old copies. The staff blasts were far more accurate, and easier to control. The armor absorbed hits from staff weapons, not even warming up. Janet couldn't explain it, but she had some theories, mostly that the armor must be some kind of advanced alloy, maybe trinnium and naquada.

It was at dinner that they discussed these theories, and where Janet finally made a suggestion. "Fighting defensively won't work you know." Adrian and Pearl looked at each other, then at Janet. "I suggest that we leave tomorrow, the armies are ready, and if we hit them hard enough while at camp we'll gain the advantages of surprise and maybe be able to overwhelm them. Leave a small force to guard the passes with the mines, but the vast number of troops should be sent against the Stargate City." Janet smiled, looking at both, "I only suggest it so that you can gain control of the Gate, keeping you from having to do this every year."

Adrian thought. Janet had showed them new materials and cloths that would keep their soldiers warm, as well as other technologies to take on the Gau'old. He considered troop strength, and supplies. He looked at his friends and at Pearl. Janet simply sat in her chair, staring at the fire. Her thoughts were again returning to her daughter and her friends. She would be reunited with them soon if they agreed to this plan. He knew the basics of her thoughts, having listened to them many times when he asked her to tell him about life on Earth, with the Tau'ri.

He finally nodded; going on the offensive would be nice after so many years.

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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 22-Jun-2004 14:59    Post subject: Chapter 3! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Chapter 3
City of the Portal

Ot'shev stood, his helmet enclosing his head as their leader entered the building they had set up within this city. Their God wished to take this planet, but they did not know why. The primitive slaves who they had met so far had been no challenge for the forces of Kali. Grabbing his staff weapon, he followed his leader out the door.

It was a beautiful day. The rings of this planet rose from the horizon to span over the sky, reflecting the sunlight in orange, yellow, and startling reds. He came to rapid attention as their leader began to speak, to rally the troops, saying that this time they would conquer the primitive slaves of this world and bring them to serve Kali whether they wished to or not. This world would be raised and the rebellious northerners would be crushed.

Ot'shey remained quiet, he did not wish to get involved in the political aspect of being a Jaffa. He hoped he could just serve his time, live his life, and die in peace. He was afraid of these false gods that they followed. He knew they were not Gods, or else they would not do many of things that they did, but such sentiments could end up getting you killed. He did what he could to ease the suffering and destruction. Many of the Jaffa thought of him as odd, for not chasing down and killing people. He played it up as if he were simply economic, proficient, not wasting time on scum that could not harm the power of Kali. His attitude won him respect and promotion. He was able to limit more damage.

Now he led a small force of Jaffa, One of many units that formed the army sent to conquer this world. They would have arrived in attack ships, but these were denied. Instead they came through the Chappa'ai. Looking again to the sky he watched as the horizon became speckled with bursts of light, a common occurrence at this hour, a beautiful display of fire and wonder.

Ot'shey had lost track of the rallying speech, and quickly realized it was over. He cheered with the rest, but it was half hearted. He did not want to go and fight when the snows melted and the passes opened. Which of course, didn't matter as soon as he noticed the slight whistling sound that had, for the past three rotations, been associated with so much death and destruction.


"Direct hits sir, their rally is in shambles." Adrian looked through the spyglass at the Jaffa who were now springing to take cover. The artillery officer was directing the blasts and all across the city fires were starting and shells exploded in noxious grey clouds. Adrian's stomach clenched to think of the blood and destruction that was raining down on the forces that opposed them.

"Fire again, and the Angels forgive us all." The officer nodded and turned back to the line of cannon, stretching far into the distance. Holding up a red flag, he waved it three times slowly. With each wave, the crews made their cannon ready. As he dropped the flag their was a roar and the cannon fired as one, and then again.


More explosions smashed into the buildings and streets. Ot'shey ordered his men to take cover and activated his helmet. Clutching his staff weapon he waited for orders as he made sure his men followed his. A force of Jaffa attempted to take cover when a grapeshot shell exploded above them, mowing them down like chaff before the flail. Ot'shey cursed death silently, knowing that good, decent people were dying, in the name of false causes and false honor.


Janet was sweating inside the armor. Though it kept her cool, her sweat came from fear and apprehension. She desperately wanted to see her daughter, her friends at the SGC, and to survive. She clutched her staff weapon and looked up and down the lines at the others who had volunteered to serve in Janet's Company as they were calling themselves. The officer from so many weeks ago, the young man who had delivered reports and been somewhat infatuated with her, had quickly become her second in command. She nodded to him, and he nodded back. Activating his helmet he held up signal flags and they slowly began to march forward under the fire of the guns, 10,000 infantry behind them.


Ot'shey moved his forces forward in small increments. It took them an hour to move less then one hundred yards. The cannon fire had faltered as smoke and fire made it impossible to see what the artillery was firing at, but at any moment the infantry would arrive with their smaller cannon that they had used so effectively in the last campaign.

The distinctive crack of rifle fire and roar of staff weapon fire confirmed his theory. The armies of the north had come, something he had suspected for a while, but in their arrogance they held rallies and venerated Kali rather then acting as warriors and protecting themselves. Now thousands lay dead and wounded, hundreds more were probably missing, and only small groups of Jaffa such as his own would stand in the way of the thousands of infantry coming at them. He turned to his group, red glowing eyes looked to him for leadership. He stood, and ordered a charge.


Janet advanced slowly with Pawn, her second in command. Behind them companies of infantry were also advancing, but the orders were clear. Let Janet's Company make first contact. Janet grinned momentarily, her fears and apprehension gone. How many training scenarios had she done at the SGC where she was an evil Gau'old queen or Jaffa leading the assault? She had to admit that was good training for what was occurring now, though at the time, it had just been a fun way to beat up on SG1. She smiled at the memory of shooting O'Neill with the fake staff weapon, and remembering his outrage when he woke up going on about how next year the words "Capture" would be tattooed on every participant.

Her mind came back quickly as she hit the outskirts of the ruined city, She had no idea how much damage an hours worth of shelling could do, and she was shocked. She scanned the dust clouds carefully, looking for movement or glowing red eyes. She remembered her order fondly, "Don't shoot till you see the red of their eyes!" History class at the Air Force Academy had paid off after she thought ruefully.

Suddenly, a group of Jaffa appeared charging and firing. Janet raised her staff weapon and Pawn ordered the infantry forward as he too raised his weapon to attack.


Ot'shey looked on in shock as the two white clad warriors raised staff weapons and began firing. His troops were flung back, already they just had four left, and their own blasts were simply absorbed by the armor. He stood up in shock and didn't even hear the crack of the rifle or feel the shattering of his armor, his skin, his tissue.

He stumbled.

The world seemed to stop for a moment. Even as he watched streams of infantry pour into the city past his position he could not do anything except kneel on the ground.

How did he end up kneeling he thought? Should he stand?

He looked up, and there stood one of the white clad warriors. He was having problems breathing, and his vision focused on the Jaffa in front of him. "Where did you come from?" He whispered and deactivated his helmet, hoping for cleaner breath.

A staff was raised.

Then lowered.

His vision clouded over and he fell down.


Janet deactivated her helmet. "MEDIC!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, then crouched down to help the Jaffa that had been shot. He was a leader of some kind, and that much was obvious. But she would be damned if she would let any wounded helpless being die. The battle continued to rage and the smoke was starting to clear so the artillery would start again. Two men approached with a stretcher. She ripped the Jaffa's armor off to get a better look at the wound. "Get him back to the medical tents immediately." The two men after only the slightest pause did what she ordered. She smiled; her efforts had paid off. They were showing mercy to the enemy, and following the standards that the United States would follow.

Quietly she thanked God for that, she had been afraid that they would simply indulge in slaughter, but discipline seemed to be holding. She noticed that the infantry were falling back. Pawn came up to her. "We planted flags that the artillery could see and they are going to fire beyond those marks, but just in case we're falling back and finding cover. Might want to put your helmet on." He smiled, having witnessed the evacuation of the Jaffa. Pawns continued his voice only slightly muffled. "Think he will be ok?"

Janet nodded. "Yes."


Adrian watched as flags appeared about halfway through the city, and smiled to himself. "Artillery, forward and prepare to fire again on my signal." His artillery officer shouted as the big guns began to move forward again. Tiny guns, brought down by the infantry were already firing from within the city, no doubt causing damage and problems, but the goal was to get to the Stargate. Adrian watched as the mules stopped pulling and the crews turned and loaded the guns, then fired once more.


Janet and Pawn watched as more explosions ripped through the city. Jaffa who had been attempting to reorganize for a counter attack were shattered, Janet winced with each blast. As the shelling came to a stop and horsemen came down to deliver the order to advance, Janet stood and charged in, Pawn right on her heels. They hoped to attract as much fire as possible to save lives.

Janet stopped suddenly as a blast took her in the chest. She found it hard to breath for a moment as her mind send images of pain and she thought she smelled leaf mold and blood. She rested on her staff for a moment, trying to figure out what had gone wrong, but realized she was ok. Pawn was dueling with a Jaffa and obviously winning, and two infantry had cornered and disarmed another, ordering his surrender. Moving forward Janet lowered her staff weapon at the one fighting Pawn and shouted, "KREE! Jaffa!" The man turned to look at her and dropped his staff weapon. Pawn kicked away as two more soldiers ran up and took the man into custody.

She looked about and realized that the sound of fighting had become ragged and distant. As if small individual battles were ragging here and there, but overall, the city seemed to be falling away into death. The smell of blood filled the air, and more then one soldier was sick. Janet sat next to one young soldier whose wide eyes spoke of his fear.

Gently she reached out and took his hands, slowly massaging his fingers off the musket and placing it on the ground. She took off her glove and patted him on the shoulder, and he took a sobbing breath, before getting up and shouldering his rifle, moved away. Janet sighed. Pawn came over, watching the young man, his own eyes were hard. "Not all causalities are wounded or dead." He murmured. Shaking his head he sat down and took a drink before offering the skin to Janet. "We have a large number of wounded, dead, and missing. However, we captured four hundred Jaffa, the rest are killed or escaped through the Stargate. Adrian has ordered the area secured and we're to meet him at the Stargate."

She nodded and stood, relaying orders to secure the sector they had been ordered to take, and then moved forward to the Stargate. More of her company arrived as they moved, though not the full two hundred. She noticed one man limping. "You. Get back to a medical tent and get your leg checked." She yelled impatiently. What was it with special forces types anyway? She sighed. "I want his name changed to O'Neill when this is all sorted." Pawn laughed having enjoyed the stories of the relationship between O'Neill and Janet, who he called a napoleonic power monger.

They went into the Temple of the Gods, the beautiful structure had come through the fighting untouched, not even a scorch mark from a staff weapon marred the granite structure. They entered past two honor guard, their uniforms torn and dirty from the fighting, but their eyes were clear and they were obviously aware of their surroundings.

Janet came into the room and saluted Adrian who saluted back. "Well done Janet. You were right, we were able to attack and take the city. They have made two attempts to come back through, but each attempt was stopped. He gestured to four of the white armored soldiers. They stood relaxed near the DHD.

The DHD. Janet almost cried in relief. She could go home. Adrian nodded. "Yes, it works, we managed to capture the room without damaging the DHD or Stargate. You can go home, and tell your General Hammond that I hope we may meet soon."

Janet smiled and moved over to the DHD, quickly locating the symbol that was the odd one out. She pointed to it. "This is the point of origin." The two crossing lines formed the same image the rings did in the sky, but under the wings was a small symbol. She continued to look around the gate, and on the stairs she noticed six symbols carved into the rock. "And this, I imagine, is the points that you need to connect to your world from another. I should write these down." She took out a paper map of the city and turned it over. Taking a pen from a scribe that had moved forward to write down what she said, she quickly jotted down the symbols. "There." She turned and bowed to Adrian.

"Thank you for your assistance and help Major Janet. Good luck getting home." He knew that because of the iris, that Janet wouldn't be able to gate directly home. Instead she planned to go to what they called the Alpha site. Adrian ordered his men back away from the Gate, and made sure that none tried to see what the coordinates of the secret site were. Janet smiled and pushed the red circle on the DHD.

The wormhole roared to life.


[ This Message was edited by: Raven! on 2004-06-22 15:00 ]
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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 22-Jun-2004 15:02    Post subject: Chapter 4 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Chapter 4
Alternate Universe's Alpha Site
P7X 977

Janet had scoured the forests and rivers, all over the valley of the Alpha Site, and found no trace of an SGC presence. Their were the ruins, that Daniel had found so fascinating, the Gaelic and Greek architecture and writing had left him in a researchers dream for two weeks before Janet had found out he hadn't been eating anything but candy bars and drinking nothing but coffee. Carter had sworn Janet was going to kill him as she confessed later, and all of SG1 had been wondering if the Doctor might not have needed some down time.

Now she was just tired, frustrated, and going crazy. Her supplies, generously given to her by Adrian, would last another few days, but there was no SGC here. Yet this was the Alpha Site! She knew she had the coordinates down, all of the SGC commanders had been drilled with the site till they could do it backwards, forwards, or from any location in the universe. So where was everyone?

Except, this was an alternate reality. Could it be they had a different site? Janet sat down near her fire and cursed herself. Of course! That left only one option. The Earth gate. But how would she get through it?


"Unauthorized offworld traveler!" The sounds echoed throughout the SGC. Lieutenant Colonel Carter sat at her workbench, her eyes glazed over and empty as she watched numbers scroll across her computer screen. She had accomplished nothing but her promotion ceremony in weeks. Janet's loss still affected her deeply, and when she was alone like she was now, she couldn't do anything but cry over the loss of the fun, loving doctor, who had touched them all.

The red lights finally brought her back to the SGC and she left her room, still holding a scarf that had belonged to Janet, one of her favorites that Cassandra had wanted Carter to have. Brushed it against her face, drying the few renegade tears there, heading for the gate room.

Daniel met her outside, also showing the effects of prolonged grief. All of SG1 had been deeply affected by the tragedy, each trying to deal with it in their own way. Daniel sighed and touched Sam's shoulder. "I'm sorry." His voice was soft, but hoarse, had he been crying as well? Sam eyed him thoughtfully and then just nodded.

"Thanks." She whispered.

They both were up in the control room and O'Neill stood in Hammond's place. Though inside, he had confessed to Carter a few days ago, he wasn't sure he could replace the General, he knew he had too and projected that knowledge, that confidence that had let him lead SG1 through hell and back, literally. He nodded to Carter and Daniel. "Offworld traveler. We've been hearing thumps, so we think we might be under attack."

Daniel and Carter turned to face the embarkation room, where the iris stood closed against attack. There was a consistent tapping against the iris. Daniel stepped forward, his gaze gone from abstract 'oh how interesting' to deep concentration in a heart beat. "Wait."


Janet through the last of the rocks just as the gate disengaged. "Damn." She muttered and went back to the DHD, here pile of rocks slightly smaller, but more then enough for a few more attempts. The last rock she threw after each try was wrapped with a piece of paper, her location written on it in the symbols of the gate.

The gate activated and she stepped forward with the first of the stones.


Daniel waited as the gate activated and then the sounds continued. He nodded his suspicion confirmed and already showing itself on others. "Its an SOS. Open the iris." O'Neill looked at him. He nodded, "Jack. Someone from Earth is out there. Unless you think that the Gau'old managed to learn Morse code when none of us use it."


"She's dead Jack."

"Oh." Jack nodded. "Open the Iris." The Iris opened and a few more rocks came sailing through to land among the marines but, before the wormhole disengaged, one came through wrapped in paper. One of the marines picked it up, and opened it.

He came running up to the control room, holding up the paper, "Gate coordinates!" He shouted. Again the wormhole activated, and more stones came through.

Jack looked at the writing, thinking it looked damn familiar. "I want that gate opened the minute you can, understand? Do it." Everyone nodded and SG 1 went down to the gate room.


Janet sighed as the last rock went through the gate. That had to do it she whispered and crossed herself. It was that or wander through the gate network until she found either the Gau'old, the Tok'ra, the Tollans, the Asgard, or someone else who could help her.

She turned and walked back over to her small fire, a log providing her a seat as began to clean the staff weapon she had taken with her to defend herself. She sighed and tears formed in her eyes. Her longing for home was so strong now, how did the others do it? How did O'Neill spend so much time away, how did Daniel survive his parents death? She began to cry, her thought interrupted by one thing.

A wormhole erupting with a roar from the Gate.

Janet stood, the staff weapon in her hand, her armor on her body, though her hair left exposed to the wind and began to walk slowly over towards the Gate, when suddenly something came through. A MALP. She cried and ran over skidding to a stop on her knees as she hugged the machine.

Greeted by this site, came SG 1. Teal'c, Carter, and Daniel lowered their P90's. Their mouths dropped open as Janet stood, tears pouring down her face as she laughed. Her staff weapon fell to the ground and she came up the steps, hugging everyone she could, her arms squeezing Carter, Daniel, and even Teal'c in fierce hugs, kissing them, crying on their shoulders. Her emotions poured out of her and she didn't notice right away that they were still tense and uncertain.

"Janet?" Daniel managed to get out, his voice hoarse, his mind refusing to believe what his eyes saw. He reached forward and stroked her face, feeling the wetness of tears, the soft velvet of her skin, the silk of her hair. He stumbled. "Oh my God." He whispered.

Carter also was in shock, her mind thrown into a loop, unable to think or comprehend what was happening before her. She whispered, her voice barely able to speak, "You're dead. You're..." She paused. "You're..." She couldn't get the words out, she couldn't speak she sat down on the stone steps, her gun clattering to the ground forgotten. Daniel seemed barely able to stand. "It can't be."

Even Teal'c seemed in shock. He too reached forward to see if Janet was real, his hands touching her arm and armor, Janet came forward glad for the touches, the contact with her friends and kneeled before Sam, taking her hands as Sam began to cry, hugging her friend close.


O'Neill sat at the conference room table; the armor and staff weapon laid out on the table as Janet had her first cup of coffee in months. Everyone who could find the stupidest excuse to come to the debriefing had done so, all to see and hear, laugh and cry with the Janet they missed and had thought lost forever. Janet could not go anywhere without meeting another well wisher, whether marine, researcher, or SG team. Janet had listened in horror to how she had died, then recounted the nightmares and visions she had been having, and how she had become out of touch with her own reality.

None knew how it had happened, only that Janet's death in this universe coincided perfectly with the onset of temporal distortion on the alternate Janet's Earth. She saw the documentary, heard Sam's eulogy and cried again.

Finally she was just too tired, to many things had occurred. To much had been planned including Janet going back to Corinth to establish contact with what many, including Daniel and Sam, were saying were the origin of staff weapons, the advanced armor, and maybe even Deathgliders or the White Chariots as the natives called them.

But now, Janet wanted to see her daughter.


The alarm rings, and the shrill sound startles Janet up from her dreams. She shakes her head, her hair tousled and mumbles to herself about getting a far more pleasant alarm. She takes a deep breath, and presses her hand to her forehead. Complaining softly about the things she can control, she checks the time and sees that it is early morning, she curses softly but knows she has to be into the SGC for SG1 had been ordered to go back to Corinth, and would need her help. However, her thoughts went to Cassandra.

Taking her slippers, she walks quietly down the dark hall of her house, feeling truly at home. The mirror where it was supposed to be, the flowers the same. She smiled, glad to be home. She slowly pushed open the door to her daughter's bedroom and looked down at the young women who rested there, a motherly smile making her face beautiful despite the early hour. Cassie turned over and yawned, coming awake and smiling back at her mom. "Hey beautiful." Janet whispered, coming into her room to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Hey mom." She murmured, she took Janet in a huge hug, grasping her tightly and so glad to have her back. "I'm so glad to have you back." She was grateful her mom was in her room at such an early hour.

" I just wanted to be with you for a moment." Cassie smiled and was soon back asleep. She was feeling content and safe in her mother's arms, a feeling she had missed Janet stood and left the room, making sure not to disturb Cassie as she departed.

She went down the stairs and felt an extreme feeling of euphoria coming. Smiling she made her coffee. Stopping she slowed down her breakfast to admire the Christmas tree that her daughter and she had chosen so very carefully all those weeks ago. With a smile, she went about getting ready for work.

This story is dedicated to Teryl Rothery and all the fans of Dr. Janet Fraiser of the SGC
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