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Urbie review UM-R65L-sn
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Steel Scorpion Mercs.
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PostPosted: 23-Feb-2007 17:46    Post subject: Urbie review UM-R65L-sn Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ok ppl, i have a player re-designed urbie for your review. Give me some feedback on this.
               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Urbanmech UM-R65L-sn
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3064
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 2, Standard design

Mass:          30 tons
Chassis:       Republic-R Standard
Power Plant:   120 Leenex Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets:     4 Pitban 6000 Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor Type:    Durallex Medium Standard
  1 ER Medium Laser
  1 LB 2-X AC
Manufacturer:  Orguss Industries
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  Dalban Interact
Targeting & Tracking System:  Dalban Urban

    Called upon to produce an effective light 'Mech for city-fighting, Orguss
Industries replied with the Urban-Mech. Cheap to produce, but potent in its
assigned duties, the 'Mech was manufactured in large numbers, many of which
have survived into the present era. Now common in city garrisons and defense
units, the UrbanMech continues as an effective battle weapon.

    At 30 tons, the UrbanMech is only slightly heavier than Wasp and Stinger
scout 'Mechs, and so its slow speed seemed a distinct liability. It was
designed for city combat, however, an environment that severely limits most
other 'Mechs. The 'Mech's Durallex Heavy armor provides considerable
protection, and its low, stocky profile makes it a difficult target.
    On some models, Orguss Industries followed an unorthodox, armless design.
While this further streamlined the machine's profile, it handicapped the
UrbanMech in other ways. The 'Mech was obviously unable to defend itself in
hand-to-hand combat, and damage that would normally have struck the 'Mech's
arms was transferred directly to the torso. Thus, armless UrbanMechs were
usually deployed where the likelihood of meeting enemy 'Mechs was small.
    The Imperator-B Class 10 autocannon is the UrbanMech's primary weapon.
With its low heat buildup and reliable design, the weapon suited the
UrbanMechs hit-and-run fighting style. The light laser that supports the
Imperator is only marginally effective, but is useful in persuading hostile
infantry to keep their heads down.

==Battle History:==
    The UrbanMech was used by the Star League to suppress urban guerrillas and
hostile light 'Mechs in heavily populated areas. With its comparatively heavy
armor, the 'Mech could withstand combat with others of similar or higher
tonnage. Though not intended to engage in slugging matches with Marauders or
Crusaders, the UrbanMech often found itself up against such vastly superior
opponents in the thick of city fighting.
    Standard tactics consisted of a UM lance splitting up into individual
units that used buildings as cover for sniping at enemy vehicles. Then the
units would fall back to regroup along the next line of defense.
    Though the UM's low speed handicapped it, the confining spaces of Star
League cities also reduced the mobility of heavier 'Mechs. On the other hand,
the 'Mech's low profile helped protect it from enemy fire.
    UrbanMechs were, in fact, among the last defenders of the Star League,
fighting for control of vital urban centers as civil authority collapsed
around them. Many were destroyed in the carnage, which is why the 'Mech is
rarely seen outside Liao space.
    In the present era, House Liao maintains a relatively large number of
UrbanMechs, deploying them in the fortified cities along its frontiers, where
they have encountered both Davion and Marik forces.
    During a recent border clash, several regiments of the Marik's Regulan
Hussars were sent on a parts raid against Liao storehouses on Carver IV.
There, the city of Fort Lyons held a sizeable stock of 'Mech components,
defended by the urban defense regiments of the Chesterton Reserves, including
several UrbanMechs. Commanding Fort Lyons' defense, Colonel Teresa Keed
deployed her Urbanmechs as the city's first line of defense. The UMs
confronted a Marik Marauder company as it moved into the city.
    Supported by smaller armored vehicles and infantry, the Liao UMs used
classic tactics, engaging the Marauders with pop-up fire, then vanishing among
the buildings. The Marik Marauders wound up with a major fight on their hands,
and the assault bogged down as they stopped to engage the Liao defenders.
    The Marik attackers eventually pushed the Liao forces back, but sustained
losses that greatly lessened their effectiveness. When Liao reserves finally
arrived, the Marik Marauders were forced to withdraw with only a fraction of
the booty they had anticipated.
    Another recent example illustrates the UrbanMech's weaknesses. When a
Bandit raid on Angell II caught Marik defenders by surprise, garrison
commander Major Alan Roberts was forced to deploy the Marik Militia's
UrbanMechs in open country to stave off the Bandits' attacks.
    Although the Marik pilots fought bravely, the Bandit 'Mechs blasted them
to pieces with concentrated long-range missile fire. Roberts took a severe
reprimand for this misuse of his UMs, but he did not have many other options
as commander of an urban defense unit lacking heavy 'Mech support. The defense
may have been doomed to failure, but Colonel Roberts was able to buy enough
time so that civilians and key Marik officials were able to escape before the
Bandits could take them.
    The UrbanMech is at its best when battling infantry and armor in the heart
of the city. In another recent encounter, Davion forces made effective use of
an UrbanMech lance to destroy a Kurita commando/terrorist squad.

    As noted above, the major variant of the UrbanMech is the armless version.
The disadvantages of this design proved fatal, and so very few have survived
to the present. House Liao has a few UMs with Imperator-Zeta Class 20
autocannon, but the weapon's heat and mass have kept the 'Mech from gaining
any great popularity.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior Gordon Stuart
    The Chesterton Reserves are often called upon to defend the vulnerable
Liao border, and few have seen more intense city combat than MechWarrior
Stuart. He has twice refused promotion in favor of remaining with his urban
defense lance and his battered but serviceable UrbanMech, the Gallant.
    Although a loyal Liao soldier, Colonel Stuart has made no secret of his
contempt for Liao's allies, House Kurita. Consequently, Stuart has lately been
assigned to hot spots along the Marik border, where his superiors secretly
hope he will meet with an unfortunate accident. Stuart, however, continues, to
win fame, and those who fight alongside him echo his anti-Kurita sentiments.

Lt. Patricia Wellseley
    This able officer commands an urban defense lance of Kurita's St. Ives
Armored Cavalry. Although considered by many to be something of an eccentric
(she collects teapots with passionate enthusiasm, and tends toward bizarre
reading habits), her command of Wellseley's lance has been flawless, and her
actions in defense of New Kolis on Lapida II against a Davionist raiding party
have been used as examples of textbook tactics at Kuritist military schools
and academies. As with many MechWarriors, Wellseley's quirks are tolerated,
even encouraged by superiors eager to find a competent commander.

Type/Model:    Urbanmech UM-R65L-sn
Mass:          30 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  51 pts Standard               0      3.00
Engine:        120 Fusion                    6      4.00
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   4
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    6       .00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 HD, 1 RA, 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro:                                        4      2.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00
Armor Factor:  104 pts Standard              0      6.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9      
   Center Torso:             10         15      
   Center Torso (Rear):                  4      
   L/R Side Torso:            7      11/11      
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              3/3      
   L/R Arm:                   5      10/10      
   L/R Leg:                   7      14/14      

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 ER Medium Laser        RA      5           1      1.00
1 LB 2-X AC              LA      1   90      6      8.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 CT)
4 Standard Jump Jets:                        4      2.00
 (Jump Jet Loc: 2 LT, 2 RT)
TOTALS:                          6          44     29.50
Crits & Tons Left:                          34       .50

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2,137,200 C-Bills
Battle Value:      515
Cost per BV:       4,149.9
Weapon Value:      197 / 197 (Ratio = .38 / .38)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 5;  MRDmg = 3;  LRDmg = 1
BattleForce2:      MP: 4J,  Armor/Structure: 3/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: ML;  Point Value: 5

"A 'Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally."Aleksandr Kerensky — On the Atlas
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Rudel Gurken
Allisters Light Thunder

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PostPosted: 24-Feb-2007 02:39    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

Doubled speed and no big gun anymore?
Don't see a Urbie here! Wink

The LB-2X gives it tremendous range and together with its still rather slow speed it will be a mediocre harasser. Keep it far away from any enemy and be sure to have a bodyguard near you counter any fast enemy Mechs that try to flank you.
In a short range engagement against light opposition you'll last some turns because of your (relativly) thick armor but in the end your firepower is too weak to be of much use.
Don't put this into a city!

PS: I've read through all the fluff and was rather disappointed not to find anything about this variant in there! It would have been better to post it without fluff than with all the old standard!
Reality is where the Pizza-man comes from!'Gucken, petzen, verpissen!' (Look at it, squeal it, get the hell away from it!) – Motto of the recon troops'Artillery doesn´t know friend or foe! They only know worthwhile targets!‘ – Kuritan Infantrist
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 24-Feb-2007 03:34    Post subject: Not that nice review - rating 1.0 Reply to topic Reply with quote

The 'mech is ill-suited for city fighting. Despite the fact that it can jump 4 hexes it can't really threaten any at least decent 'Mech and most tanks will also laugh at this firepower (I know, tanks don't like being hit, but the response will hurt you more than your sting hurt them). It has way too much ammo. The difference in damage between cluster and slug rounds for LB 2-X is minimal and cluster rounds are more accurate. You can't get rid of 90 rounds in a battle, so the pilot is sitting on a bomb (not to mention that the bomb is mounted directly under the engine, which prevents salvage). The fact that you main weapon is the backup laser is sad on Urbie and The LB gun has another problem - minimal range.

Maybe as a trainer for city fights, because you know that the pilots CAN'T hurt themselves seriously with this, but I would prefer older modesls for city defense.

I must also agree with Rudel about the fluff.

0.5 points for being an Urbie, 0.5 for heavy armor.
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 24-Feb-2007 11:45    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

I agree with the previous gentlemen completly. Keeping the original fluff is a sin. I have done it often since I like to modify more than custom design Mechs. So basing on your idea I made the Scarecrow Urbie, the rural cousin of the Urban.

BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Scarecrow UrbanMech UM-R62X
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3062
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 2, Modified design

Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Republic-R Standard
Power Plant: 60 Leenex Fusion
Walking Speed: 21.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 32.4 km/h
Jump Jets: 2 Pitban 6000 Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Medium Standard

1 ER Medium Laser
2 LB 2-X ACs
Manufacturer: Orguss Industries
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: Dalban Interact
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban Urban

Farmers and small towns in the far reaches needed to have a Mech to defend their lands or town. So the CC complied and made the Scarecrow UrbanMech.

Designed to stand still and deter raiders and bandits. The pair of LB-2X firing cluster gives range to disable vehicles at long range. The ERML is its, main firepower.

The cluster rounds are also great for hunting herd animals to add to the dietary needs of the locals.


Battle History:
It is said some farmer named Alvin York whose turn it was to man the scarecrow one day was able to disable 8 various light transports before they could make it to the edge of Mudbottom Flats. The shots were taken at almost a kilometer away. He then picked off the various leaders and then entire comapny of bandits raised their hands and surrendered to him.

Any crappy backwater poor planet that wants to waste it's tax dollars.

Type/Model: Scarecrow UrbanMech UM-R62X
Mass: 30 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass

Internal Structure: 51 pts Standard 0 3.00
Engine: 60 6 1.50
Walking MP: 2
Running MP: 3
Jumping MP: 2
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 8 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 HD, 1 LT, 2 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL)
Gyro: 4 1.00
Cockpit, Life Support, Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00
Armor Factor: 96 pts Standard 0 6.00

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 10 11
Center Torso (Rear): 8
L/R Side Torso: 7 8/8
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4
L/R Arm: 5 10/10
L/R Leg: 7 12/12

Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1.00
2 LB 2-X ACs LA 2 45 9 13.00
(Ammo Loc: 1 LT)
CASE Equipment: LT 1 .50
2 Standard Jump Jets: 2 1.00
(Jump Jet Loc: 2 CT)
TOTALS: 7 48 30.00
Crits & Tons Left: 30 .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 1,748,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 479
Cost per BV: 3,650.31
Weapon Value: 153 / 153 (Ratio = .32 / .32)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 6; MRDmg = 5; LRDmg = 2
BattleForce2: MP: 2J, Armor/Structure: 2/3
Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/-, Overheat: 0
Class: ML, Point Value: 5
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Rudel Gurken
Allisters Light Thunder

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PostPosted: 24-Feb-2007 11:48    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

I like this one !
And the 2 LB-2X can scare away any flock of seed-stealing birds with ease!! Twisted Evil
Reality is where the Pizza-man comes from!'Gucken, petzen, verpissen!' (Look at it, squeal it, get the hell away from it!) – Motto of the recon troops'Artillery doesn´t know friend or foe! They only know worthwhile targets!‘ – Kuritan Infantrist
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 25-Feb-2007 03:53    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

If you don't mind the amount of heavy metals you eat...
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Rudel Gurken
Allisters Light Thunder

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PostPosted: 25-Feb-2007 15:02    Post subject: Reply to topic Reply with quote

Fire at the flock when it approaches, not when they have accomplished their military task of seed-raiding!! Very Happy

Ähhh... By the way: Any spell checker here anymore? (Not that I' ve used it much till now!!)
Reality is where the Pizza-man comes from!'Gucken, petzen, verpissen!' (Look at it, squeal it, get the hell away from it!) – Motto of the recon troops'Artillery doesn´t know friend or foe! They only know worthwhile targets!‘ – Kuritan Infantrist
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