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Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long]
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 10-Aug-2008 05:32    Post subject: Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, it appears that TPTB would like to ensure that Enhanced Imaging is here to stay and maybe even make it more common then it is. in addition, it seems they want to again reduce any edge the Clans have in tech.

As of the release of Jihad HotSpots 3072, the Inner Sphere version of Enhanced Imaging the Direct Neural Interface [DNI] from the Unbound source book has been refined and deployed for wide spread combat use as the VDNI.

It trades some really big advantages for a mixture of some advantage with greater safety:
DNI- -2 to Gunnery, -3 to piloting, take damage every time the unit is hit, and decent into insanity.
EI Implant- -1 to piloting, reduced line of sight penalties, can target location, may take damage when IS hit or Crit caused, and VERY fast decent into insanity.
VDNI- -1 to gunnery, -1 to piloting, may take damage when IS hit or Crit caused, and slow decent into insanity.
Buffered VDNI- -1 to gunnery, may use small cockpit at no penalty, may suffer damage on a critical hit, and very slow decent into insanity.


DNI- was released in Unbound and was intended for MW2nd, which had its skills tied to the 2d6 system of BT. This means that the -2 G and -3 P are just that and not reduced in any conversion. In addition, the glitch effects specifically mentions the 1pt of character damage from a head hit and then says that pilot takes 1pt EACH time the unit is hit even if it DOES NOT penetrate the armor. Other things mentioned are that the DNI causes nerve damage, insanity, and eventually death and that a drug called XA-3 that is highly addictive can reduce these effects but cannot prevent them. No exact time span is given on the average maximum length before insanity sets in to the point of death or hospitalization. It also does not specifically state that the system is only for Battlemechs but all references are to such units. Created by NAIS.

EI Implants- was released first in the 1st Sommerset Strikers source book do to the Animated Series as i recall but i may be wrong. 1st rules were for use in BT and MW2nd and later updated in MW3rd source book Lostech. The last publication for MW2nd was in the MW2nd Companion and at present date the last publication for BT was in Maximum Tech Revised. The MW3rd rules are published in Lostech and directly reference Maximum Tech Revised for use in BT. Maximum Tech Revised lists the advantages as such: -1 to piloting, any number of light woods only causes a +1 to-hit, Hvy Woods and Smoke only cause +1 to-hit per hex, nullifies night combat, may perform an AIMed shot as per Targeting Computers at +6 to-hit, and may turn off the enhanced link. The listed back draws are: every time a mech's structure is damaged [i believe this includes TACs but cannot be certain] the pilot rolls 2d6: on 6 or less the pilot takes 1pt of damage; and that the implants cause nerve damage, insanity, and eventually death. The RPG rules differ slightly on damage from internal hits in that the character must pass a BOD/WIL check or take 2d6 damage. The nerve damage is described in MW2nd Companion as within 1 year the pilot is abusive and paranoid but these effects can be delayed by drugs and therapy; however, it is said that within 3 years the character is so mentally unstable as to be unfit for combat. MW3rd's Lostech has more detailed rules that describe the effects through the gradual accumulation of permanent fatigue points with one point accumulated every year plus one point if they fail a BOD/WIL check for a possible 2pts per year. The check is modified by the number of permanent fatigue points and in addition to a 2nd point if failed the character receives a side effect in the form of a 1pt negative trait or a present negative trait is increased. If a character fails 2 or more checks more severe traits such as Amnesia or Slow Learner can occur. If the character ever receives enough permanent fatigue points to render him unconscious he slips into catatonic insanity. Further more, Lostech describes the effects the drugs and therapy have on the character. Each day the character must spend 15 minutes in a hospital to receive treatment. The treatment reduces the number of permanent fatigue points by 5 for 1 day. Missing even one therapy treatment means the character reverts to his full level of fatigue. The deterioration can be halted by having the implants removed but all negative effects persist. Unlike the DNI, the Clan EI Implant clearly stats that it can only be used in Battlemechs and Battlearmor do to their humanoid forms. However, this was expanded to include Protomechs in later years do to the necessity of the systems ability to control the unit without the bulk of conventional control and balance systems yet without the benefits or back draws of the system. However, TRO3060 describes that: “their [Clan Aerospace Pilots] brains and circulatory system are bred to withstand the pressure of high-G manoeuvring which, coincidently, gives them increased resistance to the negative side effects of the direct neural interface that drives the Protomech.” While the rules on Protomechs says that “the pilots gain none of the benefits nor suffer the draws of that level 3 system” I feel that since the reference in TRO3060 says ‘increased resistance’ and not ‘full resistance’ or ‘immunity’ to the negative neural effects I feel that Protomech pilots still suffer the neurological effects but that it takes much longer for the effects to manifest. No single Clan is credited for the creation of the implants but as the 1st ones to be given it were the Falcons and the source book Lostech stats: “Jade Falcon warriors glow green [their implants], but red and blue implants have been seen in recent years as well. It is unclear if this is an aesthetic choice or a refinement of the Clan’s EI implant technology.” This leads me to believe that the Falcons were the developers of said technology.

VDNI- has just recently been released in Jihad Hotspots 3072 under the Manei Domini rules for MW3rd. the CBT rules outline that units driven by warriors using a VDNI receive a -1 to gunnery and -1 to piloting. RPG rules provide a -1 bonus to all piloting checks and halves all Gunnery check modifiers for Aimed Shot, Attacker Movement, and Target Movement. The back draws for the CBT rules are: every time a unit’s structure is damaged or the unit suffers a critical the pilot rolls 2d6: on 7 or less the pilot takes 1pt of damage. Under the RPG rules, the character must pass a BOD/WIL check for each internal hit or critical or take 2d6 plus the MoF in damage to the head. Much like every other neural interface thus described the VDNI causes nerve damage, insanity, and eventually death. And again like the other interfaces has a treatment that can stave off the effects. The RPG rules indicate that a character can use a VDNI unit for ten years before they suffer terminal brain damage. However, they do slowly go mad with the rules stating that every 2 years the of use results in character receiving 1 level of any Madness Trait. No rules are given, like under the EI Implant rules, for a character that is unable to receive the neural inhibitor treatments. Unlike the DNI and EI Implant, the VDNI can be used for ALL combat vehicles up to 200 tons in size, and that a single pilot with a VDNI unit can control any vehicle that would normally require a crew by themselves. In addition, VDNI vehicles use the Mechwarrior’s Consciousness Table to track damage to pilots. The VDNI appears to be an improved version the DNI created by the Word of Blake.

Buffered VDNI- the Buffered VDNI is an improved version of the VDNI that follows all the same rules with these exceptions: a Buffered VDNI does not receive the -1 to piloting checks but instead can use a Small Cockpit at no penalty; the Buffered VDNI on causes damage to a pilot on critical hits not internal damage; and Buffered VDNI units take 15 years to cause terminal brain damage and only add a level of madness every 3 years. Created by the Word of Blake.


So anyway, if you have taken the time to read the descriptions you now know the pluses and minuses of each system. The DNI was designed way back in the day and was so filled with glitches that it was clearly better to not use it. We all have heard the opinions on EI Implants. But now, we have a system that is in many ways superior to EI Implants in the VDNI.

All of the systems get a piloting bonus with the DNI getting the most.
All of the systems allow you to pilot without a NeuroHelmet.
All of the systems can wound you if you meet certain conditions.
All of the systems will drive you insane.

However, the real comparison is between the EI Implant and the VDNI.
Both get a -1 to pilot checks.
The VDNI gives a constant bonus of -1 to Gunnery while the EI Implant can theoretically give you a -2 to-hit under proper conditions.
The EI Implant negates Darkness effects.
The EI Implant can let you target as if you had a TC but at +6 to-hit.
Both can wound the pilot when the structure is hit with the EI Implant having a slightly high chance to avoid the damage.
The EI Implant can be turned off.
The VDNI unit can be used in ALL combat vehicles up to 200 tons.
Both cause insanity and possibly death with the VDNI getting 10 years versus the EI Implants 3.

In comparison to the above, the Buffered VDNI:
Losses the -1 to pilot in all but small cockpits.
Does not cause any wounds on internal hits, only criticals.
Max life span of 15 years verses 10 of the VDNI or the 3 of EI Implants.

So you loose the night fighting bonus and the ability to target locations without a TC or better with a TC, but you gain constant gunnery bonuses and longer life span. If your using a Buffered VDNI just make sure you use a Small Cockpit in order to get back your lost piloting advantage. Yes it is still a -0 to piloting but so would the other units in a Small Cockpit. You don’t really loose anything so might as well get the extra crit and ton to use for more guns or armour. You run a slightly elevated risks of wounds and you can’t turn it off but you can pilot ANY combat vehicle. And this last point brings me to another piece of Manei Domini technology: the Pain Shunt.

Pain Shunt- this medical procedure bypasses the pain centers of the brain rendering the user incapable of sensing agony. Under the RPG rules this imparts upon the character the Pain Resistance Trait, the Clumsy Trait for the 1st year, and they multiply any Fatigue points they suffer by 0.5 which means Fatigues effectively take twice as long to kick in. If the character already has Pain Resistence, they ignore all Stun effects and reduce the TN mods for all wounds by 3. However, it is the CBT rules that impact this discussion: Mechwarriors, Pilots, and VDNI-equipped vehicle crews characters ignore any pilot damage from Ammo explosion, heat effects, and VDNI feedback from structure hits and crits. In addition, they do not make Consciousness Rolls. The shunt also allows non-VDNI vehicle crews to suffer two Commander Hit, Driver Hit, or Crew Killed critical effects before they take effect, and they ignore all Crew Stunned critical hits.

This means that two of the greatest draw backs of the VDNI and Buffered VDNI can be nullified by adding a Pain Shunt. They no longer take wounds from internal hits and crits which means the inability to turn the VDNI off doesn’t matter. This means that ladies and gentlemen we have a new technology that is better than the EI Implant.

##Part 2##

Now that I have made my first point, I move on to my much short second point: Inner Sphere Protomechs.

It can happen now that TPTB added this little piece of technology. With the acquisition of the EI Display by every house and faction that has captured a Clan Omnimech as the EI Display which according to multiple sources [1st Sommerset, Maxtech, and Lostech] the EI Display is an advanced ‘virtual reality’ heads up display that uses aggregated data to provide a situational layout of the battlefield. It offers no bonus other then an improved HUD. When you combine this HUD with the VDNI you obtain a control system capable of allowing the Word of Blake to make Protomechs. Sad but true.

And lets just say that you don’t believe it could be that easy. That despite its advancements WoB could not recreate an efficient enough VR HUD as to allow the production of a Protomech control system.

Lets dissect the entery for the EI Display in Lostech:
“The most advanced EI system consists of two components: a neural network implant in the warrior, and a special combat computer placed in a Battlemech cockpit or battle armor suit. Utilizing data from all friendly platforms, along with preloaded terrain data, the computer constructs a virtual battlefield that can be viewed from any perspective.”

“a neural network implant in the warrior” - we already established that the VDNI system like that of the EI implant is a direct neural interface that allows the pilot and receive information in faster and send information to the unit he control faster.

“special combat computer”- this is the key entry that we are presently discussing similar elements exist within the special combat computer that we need to duplicate.

“Utilizing data from all friendly platforms”- so we need some type of interface that aggregates data from all friendly platforms. Let's even say that the standard sensors and combat packages in most word of Blake combat units is just not sufficient. Then that leaves us with only looking at and referring to one of the greatest piece of equipment that the word of Blake and Comstar has has developed prior to the development of the VDNI and that would be the C3i. As is well known as C3 system was designed to link the sensors and communications suites of multiple units together so that they could care information or offer a as a unit. The C3i was a further development on the system that disbursed the weight and work load among multiple units meaning that there was no single master that could be disabled.

But wait you say, the C3i weights in at 21/2 tons and takes up two critical slots. Will this is where I weigh in with yet another piece of new technology: the boosted communications implant and the multi-modal eye/ear implant. The boosted communications implant allows a modified character to carry on a two way communication via cybernetic eyes, ears, or speech implants. The multi-modal eye/ear implant are more sophisticated versions of cybernetic eye/ear implants that are used to replace the user standard senses with more sensitive cybernetic versions. According to the CBT rules: “if a significant portion of a Manei Domini infantry unit consists of troopers who possess both a boosted communications implant and a multi-modal eye/ear implant, the infantry unit may be counted as part of a friendly C3i network.”

So that's off the weight issue, sure it directly references infantry but it would not been that great a leap to say that such a system when combined with a VDNI could be used as to integrate multiple streams of information from other friendly platforms to aid in the generation of a virtual battlefield.

“virtual battlefield that can be viewed from any perspective.”- this last piece of information is to indicate the holographic or virtual nature of the HUD. There are multiple times in the Battletech universe where holographic displays are mentioned and used. According to Lostech, holovision monitors and portable holoprojectors are only 300 and 400 C. bills and are available throughout the inner sphere. The holovision monitor weighs only 10 kg while the portable holoprojectors weighs only 4 kg. These devices could be used to provide the pilot with a virtual battlefield. And just in case that is not convincing enough, the pilot could simply use the cybernetic eye implant as a source of his vision. Would you bypass the necessity to have a holographic image at all.

So the only remaining argument is that the inner sphere is not capable of this thing the various components needed to construct a Protomech. I will concede that the inner sphere would not be capable of exactly reproducing the various components used by the Clans. However, if you have torn apart the numbers like I have you will find that the various components that are used to construct a Protomech are only slightly better than those used by the interference to construct Battlemechs. Therefore, it is my conclusion that the inner sphere would in fact be capable of constructing the necessary components but they would be as with most everything less efficient than their clan counterparts.

So in the end, it seems that the days of an inner sphere Protomech being an impossibility are now gone. We need only wait for the crazy members of the word of Blake to construct some. Sure the powers that be may never actually allow or justify an inner sphere Protomech, but the fact remains, the technology to do so is available it only needs to be done.
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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 01-Sep-2008 18:26    Post subject: Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Wow, what an excellent post! I love the way that you're remembering your BT history here.

I have unfortunately never been involved with the RPGing aspect of the hobby. And I'm not up to speed on all things Jihad - yet you've given us a great treatise on how the different interfaces work in a normal CBT environment.

However, one thing to remember: WoB will be defeated. And beyond them, who is willing to pay the price of the inhumanity of these interfaces/machines? TW, p.77-79 show the whole IS-ProtoMech debate from a manufacturer's POV. And marketing has a great solution: sell this as a unit which can be piloted by the terminally ill.

Really, which other, non-fanatical IS pilot is going to have a shot at this, VDNI, buffered, or not?

Apart from that all, there is the very real problem of the Clans simply being better at each and every component. Structure and engine wouldn't be a problem. But the armour is, apparently, and so are the heat sinks.

Beyond all that, there is the huge problems of weaponry.

I, for one, am not horribly impressed by the capabilities of ProtoMechs. I quite like the little buggers, am fond of using them, too. But on an individual scale, they are, with a few exceptions, quite powerless. Can you imagine them being fitted with IS weapons? And I'm just talking about weapons, the rest of the Proto.... Well, say they would have to invest 1.5 times the weight into armour and AT LEAST 1.5 but more like 2 times the weight into HS and suddenly one is presented with a nearly useless units that would be outperformed on a regular basis by IS battlearmour suits (a technology where the IS is much more on par with the Clans).

Yes, you are right, the IS has access to most of the individual components they need to make a ProtoMech. But sometimes the total amounts to less than the sum of its individual parts.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 02-Sep-2008 00:31    Post subject: Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Wow, somebody not only read this but also took the time to post their opinion. I am humbly pleased by your comments. I'm glad i could deliver.
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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 02-Sep-2008 03:31    Post subject: Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Are you kidding? It was a great read!

I love the way you think at a tangent! And you draw some very interesting conclusion, none of which are invalid, I must add.
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 10-Sep-2008 14:18    Post subject: Word of Blake and Protomechs... [long] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, I've actually read it as well, but didn't find the time to write much, or think things through... but I finally finished everything in school, so there will be some more time to devote to Mordel's... People approving reviews should be scared now Twisted Evil
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