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Like, woof.
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

Joined: 24-May-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 09:22    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Okay, first, 101 Mordellians, and I'm not on teh list? For *shame*, guys! I was gone, sure, but forgotten? The pain, the pain...

Ah well, at least I'm not stuck being a Dalmation. Irony, thou makest me giggle.

Now then, on to the show!

I'm at the game store the other day, and what does mine eye espy, but a brand new all shiny technical readout. I oo and ahh for a while, and rub it on my cheek (Which always gets weird looks, but, hey, I've got teh longest hair of anyone there, so, I get special treatment, hah) but sadly can't afford it.

So, I do what anyone would do: Take a few minutes of sitdown time to peruse.

I see that I was able to predict a great many changes in the world before they happen, but, I sure would appreciate if one of you big strong warmeisters would work on a breifing for me. Of intrest:

When last I saw, Kurita had *just* gotten to lead the Star League, Vic had no home, Katherine sat on both thrones, Comstar was virtually defunct, the Word of Blake was all kinds of cozy, tucked into Earth, and Liao had, basicly, absorbed St Ives without a fight.

From here, what's up? I see that the apellans did, in fact, team up with the Magistry (Yayy!) and also the Taurans (buh?) in a sort of triple-threat, while the Steiners and Davions are in a civil war? Or has that ended already? What pushed the conflict into confligration? Who won, or is winning? Is Kurita chipping in at all? And how do the CLans react to all of this (Aside from hopefully, you know, going away and being written out. *grin*)

So, like, what the heck's going on? It's a mad house, a MAD HOUSE...

-- Old Dog, peeking out of the dog house.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 10:16    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 10:29    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-05-24 09:22, Old Dog wrote:
Okay, first, 101 Mordellians, and I'm not on teh list? For *shame*, guys! I was gone, sure, but forgotten? The pain, the pain...

Ah well, at least I'm not stuck being a Dalmation. Irony, thou makest me giggle.

Now then, on to the show!

I'm at the game store the other day, and what does mine eye espy, but a brand new all shiny technical readout. I oo and ahh for a while, and rub it on my cheek (Which always gets weird looks, but, hey, I've got teh longest hair of anyone there, so, I get special treatment, hah) but sadly can't afford it.

So, I do what anyone would do: Take a few minutes of sitdown time to peruse.

I see that I was able to predict a great many changes in the world before they happen, but, I sure would appreciate if one of you big strong warmeisters would work on a breifing for me. Of intrest:

When last I saw, Kurita had *just* gotten to lead the Star League, Vic had no home, Katherine sat on both thrones, Comstar was virtually defunct, the Word of Blake was all kinds of cozy, tucked into Earth, and Liao had, basicly, absorbed St Ives without a fight.

From here, what's up? I see that the apellans did, in fact, team up with the Magistry (Yayy!) and also the Taurans (buh?) in a sort of triple-threat, while the Steiners and Davions are in a civil war? Or has that ended already? What pushed the conflict into confligration? Who won, or is winning? Is Kurita chipping in at all? And how do the CLans react to all of this (Aside from hopefully, you know, going away and being written out. *grin*)

So, like, what the heck's going on? It's a mad house, a MAD HOUSE...

-- Old Dog, peeking out of the dog house.

Come visit, and find out'd take a LLLLllllooooonnnnngggggg time to explain everything...

But in brief...SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!

the Capellans formed the Trinity Alliance with the Canopians and Taurians during their bid to reclaim St. was successful, and St. Ives is once more a Commonality, but still under the rule of Candace and her line...XIN SHENG!

The Combine annexed the Lyons Thumb from the Lyran Alliance, making everyone mad, but no one did jack about...neither Vic nor Katherine...then riots broke out on Solaris VII, causing mucho destruction, and gravitating along Steiner vs. Davion lines...they eventually stopped, but helped to spark further uprisings, with major ones on Kathil and Thorin...then Arthur Steiner-Davion was killed in an explosion (actually, we know he's not dead, but a WoB prisoner), and this incited some Draconis Marchers to dive deep into the Combine, taking many border worlds, including some major ones...this was great timing, because just after the Combine diverted troops for this, the Alshain Avengers decided to take it upon themselves to reclaim their homeworld, which just happens to be the Ghost Bears homeworld now...BIG mistake...the GBs and the Combine go at it for a year...both sides take worlds from the other, and the GBs' elementals even manage to take a Combine WarShip...eventually both sides decide to call it quits, and fight a proxy battle at Courcheval, which the GBs win...both sides return all planets to those who originally had them, except Courcheval which remains in GB hands, and the GBs return the WarShip...then the GBs go to war with the Hell's Horses and Wolves who had attacked them while they were busy with Combine, and eject the Horses from the Inner Sphere...they also take Gunzberg and return it to the control of the Iron Jarl...both the flags of the FRR and th GBD fly at equal height from the world...oh, and Tomoe Sakade, Theo's wife, commits seppuku because of the events of the war...but the Combine forces have now returned to the Draconis March areas, ejected FedSuns troops from most of their territories and begun an invasion of their own...Davion units are getting chewed up left and right...

On the FedCom front...Arthur's death incites Vic to jump in front of the mob and lead a faction of the war against Katherine (forgot to mention, the Dancing Joker makes an attempt on Omi's life, which if foiled by Vic's Elemental guard, Tiaret, and Isis Marik who stabs him with a letter opener), using the FedSuns banner...he starts in the Lyran Alliance, capturing Coventry and continuing on...Archer Christifori, a vet of the fighting on Huntress, leads another contingent of Lyran patriots (former Thoring militia initially) on a rampage through Alliance territory, destroying any Katherine loyal unit they come across...and Tancred Sandoval is leading an uprising against his pro-Katherine father in the Draconis March...Vic takes further worlds, like Alarion, etc. and then attempts to take Tikinov to secure a foothold and launching point in the this time the next Star League Conference has rolled around and major events take place...the Concordant and the Word of Blake are given places on the council, the FRR leader is elected to the First Lord's position and Vic finds out that Omi is to be Theo and Hohiro, huh? Their brother goes to the Nova Cats (becoming their Loremaster), their mother commits suicide and now their sister is assassinated...anyways, the news makes Vic despondant and the drive into Tikinov stalls, and Vic retreats back to Alliance territory...meanwhile, George Hasek (Morgan Hasek-Davion's son), whose son had died somehow and whose marriage fell apart because of it, tries to remain neutral in the conflict, but Katherine decides he can't and sends troops to New Syrtis...Hasek's forces fight against them, and Ardan Sortek offers Vic's support, but hints it won't come unless Hasek publically sides with Vic...Hasek does not do so, and his forces, after Hasek is nearly killed, finally succeed in winning against Katherine's forces, but with major dmg...Hasek still refuses to take sides, saying he has to put his own house in order first, and saying that perhaps it was time for the March Lords to regain the power they once had in the FedSuns...

Hmm...I think that's about where things stand right now in the novels (oh, forgot to mention that Adam Steiner of Khar'Toon fame nearly killed Vic when a Gauss shell from his Thunder Hawk nearly decapitated Vic's Prometheus, his Dire Wolf/Daishi assault OmniMech)...the list of destroyed and decimated units is long on both sides of this conflict, but include such notables as the 1st and 5th Davion Guards which were totally destroyed, with the Light Guards chewed up on New Syrtis, but still functional enough to want to help Vic on New Avalon...there are also hints that the Davion Assault Guards have gone down between fighting the Combine and pro-Katherine units, but this has not been confirmed yet...also, ALL of the Fighting Urakhai has been destroyed between the Combine and the Taurians...

Other interesting info...the Marian Hegemony took the Illyrian Palitinate (detailed in the Periphery Field Manual) and has apparently launched an unsuccessful bid to take over Circinus...

That's all I remember off the top of my I said, visit the ClassicBattleTech website for further info...and 3 examples of the upgraded Unseen to be found in the upcoming Record Sheets: 3067 book due out soon...

Edit: added Spoiler warning...better Vamp?

[ This Message was edited by: Ruger on 2002-05-24 11:39 ]
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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
Hauptmann General

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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 10:31    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-05-24 10:29, Ruger wrote:

That's all I remember off the top of my I said, visit the ClassicBattleTech website for further info...and 3 examples of the upgraded Unseen to be found in the upcoming Record Sheets: 3067 book due out soon...


D'OH! Forgot something! The Jade Falcons launch an assault into the Alliance in 3064, which is apparently going to be repelled (at least halted) by Archer Christifori and Adam Steiner...this is detailed in the upcoming novel, Operation Audacity, an exceprt of which is available for your perusal at novel is due out in June...

There...I think that is everything...

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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 11:29    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, Ruger, don't you think you should have placed a big SPOILERs sign there? Anyway, thanks for the briefing, though I decided to quit and stay in 3025, it seems interesting enough to make me consider buying the last round of novels.

Memento audare semper
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 11:55    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

He has "SPOILER SPACE" and a large blank area...qualifies as far as I'm concerned.

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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 12:04    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Really? I thought it was advertising space for hire

(curse my compulsive scroll down reflex.. )
Memento audare semper
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 13:13    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well I'll be....Ancient Hound....I was wondering what happened to you.... So what has life been like in your neck o' the woods???? Tell all........

Sir HEnry

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 15:01    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote


Its nice to have another of my original greeters here! I remember all you guys from the board when it was green and had Queen playing at the intro. Thats been a long time huh?

Well stick around this time!! And post some designs, its been a while since we've had quality Old Dog craftsmanship

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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

Joined: 24-May-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 15:46    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, it's been a whoile since I crafted anything, so, we're even.

Now, from a post by Warner that I saw, I see that there aren't any plans to make new mechs or new gear. I wanna say congrats to Warner for getting, like, an official capacity of doom. And that if you need people to do stuff, well, I'm still for hire.

Sad to see that Vic was so easily handing Katherine's forces their head. He's still the GodChilde, I guess. We can only hope that someone, finally, puts him down.

Fantastic, however, to see so many things hinted at or encouraged around here actually take shape. Draconis March lashing out, FRR and Ghost Bear unification, Capellan March showing backbone and thumbing at Vic ... all I can hope for, now, is that Vic's war stops after rampaging through Skye, never going any deeper, until it gets stopped completely, and Katherine gets a big political win by giving Skye it's independence.

Well, I can also hope that Warships go away, but.

Man, I miss this place. I need to start digging in and reading lots of posts and such. Hmmm...

-- O. D., Original Dog-Star
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The Caveman
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 24-May-2002 17:58    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ah, Old Dog! Howdy. Good to see you 'round. I'm barely (and rarely) back myself.

The Caveman - I hit things. Hard.

(The poster formerly known as Dragonblazer)
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Lyran Alliance
Hauptmann General
Hauptmann General

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PostPosted: 25-May-2002 00:50    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-05-24 15:46, Old Dog wrote:
Sad to see that Vic was so easily handing Katherine's forces their head. He's still the GodChilde, I guess. We can only hope that someone, finally, puts him down.
-- O. D., Original Dog-Star

I did mention that Vic was almost killed by Adam Steiner, that his forces have lost at least two, if not three, Davion Guards units, multiple others have been destroyed or otherwise decimated, has had at least one March Lord he thought he could count on thumb his nose at and turn his back on him...and oh yeah...


They lose Tikinov to House Dai Dai Chi (IIRC) of the Capellan Confederation!!!!

This was talked about on the Classic BTech site, so it should be ok to say it...

No Vic has had some losses to say the least...they just aren't as obvious as his wins right now...

Good to see you back Oh Ancient Hound-like one...

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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

Joined: 24-May-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 25-May-2002 20:29    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

A whole thread, just for me? Awww, you shouldn't have!

As for House Liao, I'm ready for them to stop. They're rolled back the Davions, they're right aorund their original borders ... I can live with this. I don't want them to becoem the NEW Davions, rolling effortlesly over everything. That ain't cool. Where they are, now, is perfect. No, wait, I lie. They need to take a nice bite out of the Capellan March, and start looking at a certain capital world, before being hit from behind by Marik the "We're still a House, honest!" idle. This costs them a bunch of old worlds, but they quickly sue for peace. The end result is that Marik gets a new chunk of turf, and finally gets *something* to do, Liao gets to finally get over on Davion, but does so with the tail end losses, which keeps them from getting uppity, and Davion, for once, gets nipped.

I need to sit down and sketch out The Map as I'd love to see it, sometime, along with some ...

Derailed train of thought. You know, one of the problems Battletech has had over the more recent days is that it's too big. So much backstory, so much Epic Granduer, and so on ... the Click-a-Mech stuff is going for a different audience, but a real Battletech game could snag them again. But one with basic info, rather than the ongoing metaplot changes. A setting reboot, really, all contained in a single fluffbook, rather than making someone buy this for Marik, that for Liao, and so on.


I think I might have to have a chat with Warner...

-- Old Dog, getting a new trick...
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Private, First Class
Private, First Class

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PostPosted: 27-May-2002 02:44    Post subject: Like, woof. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hi Old Dog glad to see ya still kicking.

SPOILER I THINK..............

To advoid killing any fun if it wasn't metioned the assaisin guy is now like 3-0 in the win lose bracket. It looks grim for him but I hope he makes it.

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