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The SOTABB. hovercraft
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Clan Hell's Horses
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 09-Jan-2013 08:26    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

          BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model:    SOTABB 1
Tech:          Clan / 3060
Config:        Hovercraft Omni
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          40 tons
Power Plant:   305 XXL Fusion Supercharger
Cruise Speed:  129.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 194.4 [259.2] km/h
Jump Jets:     5 Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor Type:    Ferro-Fibrous
  1 LB 5-X AC 
  4 Heavy Machine Guns
Manufacturer:  (Unknown)
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System:  (Unknown)

Type/Model:    SOTABB 1
Mass:          40 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  16 pts Standard               0      4.00
Engine:        305 XXL Fusion                2      6.50
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      3.50
Engine Supercharger:                         1      1.00
    Cruise MP:  12
     Flank MP:  18 [24]
      Jump MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      2.00
Crew: 1 Members                              0       .00
Lift Equipment:                              0      4.00
Armor Factor:  115 pts Ferro-Fibrous         1      6.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     4         30 
   Left / Right Sides:        4      30/30 
   Rear:                      4         25 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 LB 5-X AC              Body     0   20     2      8.00
2 Heavy Machine Guns     Left     0   50     3      1.50
2 Heavy Machine Guns     Right    0          2      1.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                0       .00
5 Standard Jump Jets                         1      2.50
TOTALS:                           0         12     40.00
Items & Tons Left:                           1       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        45,261,375 C-Bills
Battle Value:      665
Cost per BV:       68,062.22
Weapon Value:      162 / 162 (Ratio = .24 / .24)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 7;  MRDmg = 4;  LRDmg = 2
BattleForce2:      MP: 12H,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 4
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/1,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GM;  Point Value: 7
                   Specials: omni

The high command of the Hell's Horses where looking for a fast moving attack vehicle with a enough firepower to assist the battlemechs in the field. What they got was the SOTABB.

Although this hovercraft is somewhat slower then what command ordered. The designers went another direction to fulfill the support request. The LB 5 AC primary weapon will be loaded with shotgun ammo. And should be an effective crit hunter for any damage their mech's counterparts inflict. while the heavy machine guns augment this ability in addition to inflicting their own damage.

Unfortunately the high command did not originally approve the design. They did like the fact it only took one pilot to man. and the jump does make it able to access terrain most hovercraft can't. And it's supercharged engine can deliver a short but blinding speed. But it was the low BV that finally won it's approval for active duty.

In all the debate over the craft. command never did ask what SOTABB stood for. and when pilots ask. the designers just smile and tell them to enjoy their state of the art bang bang.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 13-Jan-2013 12:41    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

ok. Here are my suggestions based upon the fact that you have an XXL on the vehicle.

first variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add ATM/6 w/ 1t, add 1 ERML, add 2 miPL.

second variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add ATM/6 w/ 1t ammo, add 2 APGauss w/1t ammo, and 1 JJ.

third variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add 6 MG w/ 2 MG Arrays w/ 0.5t ammo and StSRM/6 w/ 1T ammo.

All variants: add Armored Motive System (TacOps pg. 283) @ 4t.

optional: switch out FF Armor for Ferro-Lamellor Armor (TacOps pg. 279-280); reduce armor accordingly.

These variants were not run through an editor and some may lack the space slots for creation.

The Armored Motive is worth trying to fit on a vehicle of this type as the -2 motive crit rolls it provides really helps. It helps offset the natural motive system weakness of Hovercraft.
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Clan Hell's Horses
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 14-Jan-2013 13:47    Post subject: Re: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

Vagabond wrote:
ok. Here are my suggestions based upon the fact that you have an XXL on the vehicle.

first variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add ATM/6 w/ 1t, add 1 ERML, add 2 miPL.

second variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add ATM/6 w/ 1t ammo, add 2 APGauss w/1t ammo, and 1 JJ.

third variant: drop weapons load for 10.5 tons. add 6 MG w/ 2 MG Arrays w/ 0.5t ammo and StSRM/6 w/ 1T ammo.

All variants: add Armored Motive System (TacOps pg. 283) @ 4t.

optional: switch out FF Armor for Ferro-Lamellor Armor (TacOps pg. 279-280); reduce armor accordingly.

These variants were not run through an editor and some may lack the space slots for creation.

The Armored Motive is worth trying to fit on a vehicle of this type as the -2 motive crit rolls it provides really helps. It helps offset the natural motive system weakness of Hovercraft.

OK, I may have been out of the game for awhile. But it couldn't have changed that much. I never heard of some of that stuff. Ferro-Lamellor, AP Gauss, what the heck?

But I do like the mg variant idea.
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 14-Jan-2013 15:03    Post subject: Re: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

Some new toys that appeared with the latest rules. They are fine mostly. I'd avoid the XXL engine due to exorbitant cost on almost anything.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 05:25    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

AP Gauss
Introduced: 3069 (Clan Jade Falcon)
In 3069, Clan Jade Falcon began to deploy a new, lightweight Gauss
system specifi cally aimed at anti-personnel work. Though fi rst carried by
Falcon Elementals in a bid to give themselves a decisive edge against the
host of new Spheroid battlesuits they were encountering, the anti-personnel
(AP) Gauss soon found its way to ’Mech and vehicle usage. Reliable
reports from the Homeworlds suggest that the weapon has since been
duplicated across Clan-held space, with the Blood Spirits recently deploying
this weapon on some of their newer ProtoMech designs.
Essentially a Gauss-based variation of a needler weapon, the AP Gauss
fi res a deadly hail of metal fl echettes at supersonic speeds. Thanks in part
to their added acceleration, these fl echettes can scour their way through
battlefi eld armor, unlike normal needler shot, which makes this weapon
particularly deadly to battle-armored troops and conventional infantry
alike. –EB] (TechMan pg.218)

AP Gauss Rifle 1 heat (1 aero) 3 dmg (3 aero) 0/3/6/9 (Short-PD) 40 ammo 0.5 ton 1 crit (TechMan pg. 343)

Note: AP Gauss does 2d6 vs unarmored infantry.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 05:30    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

miPL is the Micro Pulse Laser
Micro Pulse Laser 1 (1) 3 (3) 0/1/2/3 (Short) NA 0.5 1 (TechMan pg. 343)

MG Array
[Introduced: 3068 (Federated Suns)
Ironically enough, while FedSuns weapons designers from the shattered
NAIS developed the machine gun array system fi rst, the successful
theft of this technology by Taurian spies and frenzied eff orts by Concordat
producers to reverse-engineer it led to the fi rst of these machine gun-linkage
systems hitting the battlefi elds with the TDF, not the AFFS. Eff ectively
enabling two to four machine guns of like size to operate in unison, the
MG array (MGA) vastly improves the potential for accurate and eff ective
placement of multiple machine gun fi re in battle.
Curiously enough, the subsequent appearance of a Clan version, marketed
by the Diamond Sharks, suggests a possible trade deal with House
Davion, perhaps a continuance of the exchange that originally allowed
FedSuns designers to reverse-engineer the Undine battlesuit to produce
their Hauberk battle armor. –EB] (TechMan pg. 229)

The range of a given MGA is the same as for the appropriate
machine gun type, grouped (light, standard or heavy).
When an MGA hits a target, roll on the appropriate column
of the Cluster Hits Table (an MGA 3 rolls on the 3 column, an
MGA 4 on the 4 column and so on). The result is the number of
hits that struck the target, with each hit’s damage equal to the
Damage Value of the appropriate machine gun type, grouped
(light, standard or heavy).
Once the number of hits has been determined, roll once on
the appropriate Hit Location Table and apply all hits to that
location as separate damage groups (such damage may result
in multiple critical hit rolls when damaging a target). This
means that if an MGA 4 rolls on the Cluster Hits Table, with
three machine guns hitting, and then roll’s the target ´Mech’s
head as its hit location, the weapon causes 3 MechWarrior hits
and subsequently requires three Consciousness Rolls.(TotalWar pg. 137)

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 05:34    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ferro-Lamellor Armor
R&D Start Date: 3066 (Clan Snow Raven)
Prototype Design and Production: 3070 (Clan Snow Raven)
Ferro-Lamellor Armor is an enhanced hybrid of ferro-fibrous armor and
WarShip-grade Lamellor armor developed by the Clans for use on smaller
battlefield units such as BattleMechs, Combat Vehicles and fighters. Bulkier
than standard Clan ferro-fibrous, this armor demonstrates enhanced energyreflective
capability and improved resilience against kinetic damage. (TacOps pg. 279)

Game Rules: A location protected by Ferro-Lamellor Armor reduces all damage by 1 point for every 5 points (or fraction thereof) delivered per hit (to a
minimum of 0 points of damage per hit). Excess damage will affect internal structure or structural integrity per normal rules for the location’s structure
type. Weapons reduced to zero damage effects by Ferro-Lamellor Armor (such as LB-X cluster munitions), may not inflict pilot injury in the event of
a cockpit-location hit, nor may they deliver a penetrating or “floating” critical from special hit location rolls. However, against Combat and Support
Vehicles, such weapons may inflict Motive System damage effects normally (because such units feature more exposed movement mechanisms).
In addition, Ferro-Lamellor Armor negates the bonus armor-penetrating effects of Armor-Piercing Ammo (see p. 140, TW), Tandem-Charge Missiles
(see p. 372) and ’Mech Tasers (see p. 345). If these weapons are fired against a location protected by Ferro-Lamellor, they deliver their standard damage
to the armor only (Armor-Piercing Ammo hits as a standard AC round; Tandem-Charge Missiles hit as standard SRMs; ’Mech Tasers inflict only 1 point
of armor damage). (TacOps pg. 279)

Armored Motive System
R&D Start Date: 3054 (Clan Hell’s Horses), 3069 (Free Worlds League)
Prototype Design and Production: 3057 (Clan Hell’s Horses),
3071 (Free Worlds League)
As part of a far more ambitious plan to enhance the durability and flexibility
of their conventional forces (the same plan that attempted to revisit
the Kanga jump tank concept which resulted in the Hephaestus hovertank),
Clan Hell’s Horses’ scientists explored new techniques in reinforcing and
protecting the vulnerable motive systems for their ground-based combat
vehicles. Though weighty, the concept was at least partially successful. A shift
in Horses’ priorities, however, prevented widespread development. Rumors
of this breakthrough, however, intrigued engineers at IrTech, who recently
managed to duplicate the Clan’s techniques using Spheroid technology. (TacOps pg. 283)

Game Rules: Armored Motive Systems apply an additional –2 modifier to any rolls made on the Motive System Damage Table for a vehicle equipped with this
system. A result of 2 or less reflects no effect to the vehicle’s motive systems. (TacOps pg. 283)

Vehicle Jump Jets
Game Rules: A vehicle equipped with Vehicular Jump Jets (and a functioning engine) can use Jumping MP in the same manner as suitably equipped
BattleMech, with these exceptions:
• Every time the vehicle jumps, the controlling player must roll on the Motive System Damage Table (see p. 193, TW) to see what—if any—motive
damage occurs upon landing. This roll disregards the standard modifiers for attack direction, however, and replaces the vehicle type modifiers
with the following: +2 for Tracked vehicles, +1 for Wheeled vehicles, –1 for hovercraft, and –2 for WiGE vehicles. An additional +1 is applied if the
vehicle jumps into Rough, Woods, or Jungle terrain of any kind.
• Jump-capable vehicles may not jump into any terrain restricted by their motive type, nor may such vehicles execute a Death from Above attack.
• Jump-capable vehicles designated as tractors or trailers may not use Jump MPs while attached to other vehicles. (TacOps pg. 349)

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Clan Hell's Horses
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 07:53    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

I take it that none of these are in Heavy Metal Pro yet?
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 15:23    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

I thought that at least AP gauss, MG array and vehicle JJs could be there. JJs are on Kanga, so...
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Clan Hell's Horses
Galaxy Commander
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PostPosted: 15-Jan-2013 17:49    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

The JJs are. couldn't find them on HMV
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2013 00:57    Post subject: The SOTABB. hovercraft Reply to topic Reply with quote

Heavy Metal is presently out of date on most products. is a good secondary program atm.
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