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random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 07-Jul-2014 11:35    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

The arcade at the movie theater I visit to do my movie review column has a couple of rail shooter games in it.

For those who don't know, a rail shooter is a type of arcade game in which the player is guided along on a pre-determined course by the game, leaving the player to focus on shooting at targets, selecting the weapons they use, reloading, and ducking behind cover.

This got me to wondering what a Mechwarrior-type rail shooter might be like.

Given that the lead(s) be infantry, I would imagine that most missions would involve taking out other infantry and battle armor. Of course we'd have the occasional mech or conventional vehicle, and the game would respond in kind by either giving you SRMs (or another such heavy weapon), or have it that you're working gun crew on a vehicle that's got a machine gun.

Would a game like this even vaguely fly given the focus on mechs within the franchise, or might it be a fun way to get new people interested in what's going on?
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 07-Jul-2014 20:00    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

I can see it working.

I'd hate to see silly thing like shoot this weak point on the mech. Oh, you blew off its arm. Now repeat. Boom, now shoot the head.

But it could be fun.
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 13:59    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

For mechs, I'm thinking "All parts would be vulnerable, but the fastest way to take them down is to go for a head shot." After all, even in the actual pencil-and-paper game, there's a limit to how much armor even the heaviest of mechs can have.
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 14:07    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hypothetical scenario:

The setting is the Jihad. The players (1 - 2 for the arcade version, perhaps 1 - 4 for home versions) are members of a reserve unit that wasn't mobilized in time before the planet fell; instead of being deployed to fight, your unit instead retreated into the woods.

Each player would start the game with a pistol and a bolt-action rifle. The pistol has a good rate of fire and is more than enough to take out infantry, but barely does anything to anything armored. The bolt-action rifle, meanwhile, can punch through lighter suits of battle armor (and the visors on heavier suits) and can take out unarmored soldiers in one hit, but has a slower rate of fire.

Stage 1

Scouts have identified a Blakist outpost in this area. The garrison seems to consist of infantry, so we should be able to take it without much of an issue.

1 - 1: "We're seeing individual infantry troopers patrolling the perimeter. Let's take them out real quick before they call for help."

1 - 2: "If you can snipe those soldiers up in the guard towers, we can take them by surprise."

1 - 3: "The towers are clear! Into the compound!"

1 - 4: "Bad news! Some of their patrols are coming back, and at least one of them is a battle armor unit. We need you to take care of them while we get the trucks inside."

1 - 5: "The transports are moving in, and recon says that they have helicopter support! We've found some SRMs you can use, but we don't have that many of them."

1 - 6: "Six Fire Ants are now en route to the compound. The techs got a half-track up and running, and it's got some machine guns on it. We need you to bait the mechs away from the outpost until we're done getting everything loaded up."
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 14:17    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 2:

The good news is that you managed to somehow fell the Fire Ants. The bad news is that you were charging blindly into the forest and so nearly plowed into a Vedette. Fortunately, a Wolverine appeared out of the forest; its large laser and SRMs were enough to blow the tank apart before you hit it.

It turns out that the Wolverine pilot is an officer from the regular garrison; he and his team appear to be the last surviving line unit, and he appears to be the highest-ranking officer left on the planet. His team heard about the raid on their comms, and they've moved in to help out.

Thing is, his recon is now reporting that the Blakists are moving in a team of mobile SCUD launchers. If you can stop the launchers, he and his team can finish clearing out the outpost. However, you're not going alone; he's got one APC full of soldiers following the half-track, and a dismounted squad piling in there with you.

2 - 1: "Recon says that there's a mix of infantry, battle armor, and transports in this area, but the guns on this thing should be able to shred them."

2 - 2: "That Peregrine pilot was specifically coming after us. I want you to take Simms and Mitchell, dismount, and go into the forest; we'll take the long way over to the site so as to draw them off of you."

2 - 3: "They must have wanted us bad if they were willing to send an SRM team after us." "Yeah, but dollars to donuts we'll be needing those SRMs just to get over there."

2 - 4: "Did you just see that! The hydraulics on one of the SCUD launchers just gave out! Let's roll 'em while they're busy running repairs!"

2 - 5: "Hey Simms - what's got you spooked?" "I hear something in the forest. I don't think we're alone." "I don't see anything. Just settle - WATCH WHERE YOU'RE POINTING THAT THING!" (Simms fires a grenade into the forest. It explodes, showering a group of Purifier Adaptive suits in shrapnel) "I told you there was something out there!"
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 14:26    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 3

"Now that things have settled, let me properly introduce myself. I'm Captain _____ _____, and at present it appears that my team is all that's left of the regular military.

"The good news is that my techs are pretty sure that they can get at least three of those Fire Ants operational again. The bad news is that I've only got one other trained pilot with me; that's Lieutenant _____ _____, my second-in-command." (attractive female behind him blushes)

"We've found what appears to be a prisoner-of-war camp the Blakists are maintaining, but after what took place they will no doubt have the place on full alert. It's going to be risky, but we need to do something to thin things out a bit. There is a Blakist barracks in the area; it's close enough to where the troopers could be mobilized to support the camp. If we hit the barracks with our newly-captured SCUDs, then that should weaken the guard enough for us to assault the place. Even if we don't take it, we'll limit the reinforcements that can be sent to help out the camp."

3 - 1: "I know that there are troopers in this area. But don't shoot at them until after the SCUDs launch. Just hunker down and wait until you hear things explode."

3 - 2: "Looks like we hit a fuel tank! That base is going up like a Roman candle! Take out the patrols and close in on the base!"

3 - 3: "The boss is taking out what mechs and vehicles are still operational. We need you to hit the base from the other side and sweep for infantry and battle armor."

3 - 4: (Minotaur protomech arises from the flames) "Know this, you uncivilized barbarians. Your best scientists said that these machines could not be operated without the Clan implants. But your best scientists have nothing on our scientists. In the name of Blake, I will slaughter you as you have slaughtered my men."
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 14:33    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 4:

"On one hand, I'd say that the camp likely knows that we're coming. On the other hand, it's doubtful that they'll get reinforcements any time soon. Let's take them. I'll lead an assault force against one side of the camp. I need you guys to lead the assault on the rear. The Lieutenant and the rest of the team will wait until one of us breaks through."

4 - 1: "I figure that we have thirty seconds to take out this set of infantry patrols before they can alert the base."

4 - 2: "Those guys in the towers have SRMs! We need to drop them before they drop us!"

4 - 3: "They're driving a Vedette right through their own fence to get at us!" "That Vedette is our way in!" "What?!" "I was on a tank crew before my ride got blasted. If we can clear a path to that tank and kill the crew, I can hijack it." "Let's do it."

4 - 4: "Bad news! The captain's surrounded! That's at least six mechs going up against him! We got to get this Vedette over there!"

4 - 5: "Go free the prisoners! We'll keep this party going!"

4 - 6: "The base commander's Raijin was sidelined for maintenance. If you can get me to the mech bay, I should be able to fire it back up and help you even the odds out."

edit -

I'll get to stages 5 - 8 later.
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 09-Jul-2014 21:01    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

ah. i gotta read this later.
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 10-Jul-2014 13:18    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 5

"The Blakist forces are in retreat; the order has been given that all surviving forces are to abandon this sector and reinforce the Blakist positions elsewhere. We've identified a Blakist unit that will be moving through a series of mountain passes as part of the retreat. We've got a series of ambushes planned to try and take out this unit before it links up. If nothing else, it should help us bloody some new recruits we've picked up."

5-1: "We have unarmored infantry scouting the pass. Take them out as quickly and quietly as you can, or else they'll sound an alert."

5 - 2: "They've got Peregrines! We only have a handful of SRMs, so you need to make each shot count!"

5 - 3: "Infantry and battle armor climbing up! They're on to us! Fighting withdrawal!"

5 - 4: "There goes the convoy!" "These machine guns and grenade launchers should help us at least do some damage before they slip through!"

5 - 5: "More Fire Ants? Where are they getting them all from?!" "Simms just scavenged some SRMs from those battle armor suits we took out. We'll have to make them last."
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 10-Jul-2014 13:39    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 6

"Intel says that what's left of the retreating forces have been deployed in a defensive line to try and stop us from making any further progress on the continent.

The good news is that thanks in large part to your efforts, we've grown fairly strong. As far as mechs go, we have my Wolverine, Burke's Raijin, a Raven, and six Fire Ants. We've also got about a dozen APCs, three half-tracks, and six Vedettes in support of two dozen platoons of infantry.

The bad news is that they still have air superiority. We don't yet know where their air bases are, and so if we're going to break through then we have to do it at a place where their air support will be minimally effective. That leaves us striking at Gossamer City; it's urban confines and tall structures should give us cover from their air support, but the fighting will be point-blank.

We need you to go in and shake things up. Once that happens, we can push through from the flanks. Good luck."

6 - 1: "We have reason to believe that they're using the bank at the corner of Twelth Street and Park as an armory. Get over there, check it out, and if it's got the goods keep it secure until we get the transports over there."

6 - 2: "Good job on holding the place, but reinforcements are coming. Bravo team quite literally caught a Hetzer crew sleeping. We need you and the Hetzer to intercept whatever's coming."

6 - 3: "Recon says that they've set up a field command post in a parking garage over on Kay Street. Take those Zeus rifles you scavenged and head on over there... but don't use them unless you have to, as if you take the building we'll need you to set up a sniping position there."

6 - 4: "What?! Air support?! Okay. Peregrines and Ferrets. Moving through this sector. Grab those machine guns, men; it's hunting season."

6 - 5: "Chatter says that the officer whose mobile headquarters you captured is the top Blakist honcho in the sector! They want him back something fierce. Get down below and keep him secure until we can reinforce you."

6 - 6: "We're doing what we can to hold off the enemy mechs in this sector, but resistance is stronger than anticipated. We're... Slag. We can confirm one Atlas is loose and likely heading for your location. If you still have those Zeus rifles, then *maybe* you can punch through the thin armor on the head. If not, then pray your bolt-action rifles or machine guns can do the job."
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 10-Jul-2014 13:48    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 7

"We've broken them. That Atlas pilot was their #2 guy, and their #3 guy lost his nerve. Word is that a number of other resistance movements have formed elsewhere on the planet, and they're pulling back what's left of their forces here to deal with them. I guess they're hoping that they can squash the other movements quickly and then regroup before we have a chance to finish building up our own forces.

We're not going to let that happen.

I've made contact with the crew of a merchant dropship. Their ride was shot down during the invasion, and they want revenge as much as we do. Well, they're going to get it. Intel has spotted an airfield a few klicks south of here that the Blakists are using as an airbase. From the looks of it, they've got a dropship there undergoing repairs. While we hit the garrison, we need you to get the crew to the ship.

7 - 1: "We need you to take out the emplacements and guard towers protecting the portion of the wall over by the tower. It's going to take a Vedette to blow a hole through that concrete, and we need to make sure it gets there safely."

7 - 2: "GO! Take out anyone in the tower, and then move through the hangars!"

7 - 3: "The dropship crew must be in the terminal!"

7 - 4: "It's all clear between the terminal and the dropship! Get inside and clear out all resistance!"
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 10-Jul-2014 13:55    Post subject: random idea: Mechwarrior rail shooter game Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stage 8

"It's my understanding that during the FedCom Civil War, a man named Archer Christifori pulled a Trojan Horse assault on the pro-Katrina forces using captured Katrina dropships. We're going to do the same.

I'm leaving a force back here on the continent to finish sweeping up whatever Blakists might be left. The rest of you will join me on the dropship. We've spotted an open area where we can land safely and where - hopefully - it'll be a while before the Blakists can identify us.

Once we're down and the perimeter is secure, I'll be taking what mechs I can get on board and we'll start hitting targets of opportunity. I need you to man the defensive perimeter around the dropship. I'll give you as much in the way of SRMs, LRMs, machine gun ammo, and Zeus ammo as we can spare. Anything Blakist that comes you way dies. Period."
"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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