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Game Rules
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Joined: 03-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 01-Apr-2016 18:58    Post subject: Game Rules Reply to topic Reply with quote

The following sections detail the rules that will be used for players wishing to participate in the Play-By-Web BattleTech games on Mordel.Net. If there are any issues, or you have any questions about Play-By-Web, please contact so they can be addressed accordingly.

All available registration slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Players are only allowed to participate in a game if they are not an active participant in an ongoing game. The intent of this rule is to provide an opportunity for players not currently in a game to become active in one, and to prevent active players from filling up all available slots. An exception to this rule will be made if the registration deadline has passed and not all slots have been filled. Active players may add their name to the registration list before the deadline, and will be added to a waiting list in the event more players are needed.

BattleMech Designs
Players may choose a BattleMech which is either canon or custom, whichever you desire to use provided the Game Master allows it in the game. There will be a bonus for taking a canon design over a custom design, and there will be a penalty for taking designs with advanced or experimental technology. All designs must be submitted and visible for viewing on Mordel.Net. All BattleMechs within a given classification can be viewed via the following links:Which BattleMechs are allowed will be determined by the Game Master, and the Game Master will have final decision on if a design will be accepted or not for use in the game. The parameters for BattleMech selection could be, but are not limited to the following:
  • Rules Level - Current, Year or Era Specific (this will allow for games in certain eras/years and account for the rules level of the technology at that point in time)
  • Technology Base
  • Tonnage
  • Battle Value

Piloting/Gunnery Skills
Each player starts with a Gunnery skill of 5 and a Piloting skill of 6. Those are your initial skills, and based on your technology, weight class, and canonicity, you are allowed to modify that. Neither the Gunnery nor Piloting skill is allowed to go below 1. The number of points you can modify either or both of those skills are based off the following factors:

Technology - Inner Sphere-1
Technology - Clan0
Weight Class - Assault0
Weight Class - Heavy-1
Weight Class - Medium-3
Weight Class - Light-4
Rules Level - Introductory-1
Rules Level - Tournament Legal0
Rules Level - Advanced+1
Rules Level - Experimental+2
Canon Design-1
Custom Design0

So if you choose to have a canon Inner Sphere Medium BattleMech, you can modify the Gunnery/Piloting by 5 points. So your choices for Piloting/Gunnery would be 1/5, 2/4, 3/3, 4/2, or 5/1.

Map Notation
All hexes on the map sheets are numbered to remove any ambiguity. For clarity, however, the numbers on the map reading from left to right is considered the X axis. The numbers reading from top to bottom is considered the Y axis. Therefore, if you were in the top left hand hex, you would be in 0101. If you were in the one just below it, you would be in hex 0102 and so on. It is important to use the full two digits, including the leading zero, to avoid any confusion.

Facing is based on direction with 1 being towards the top of the map. In this way, there are 6 facings with 1 starting at the top and 2-6 rotating in order clockwise around the hex. Therefore, if you were in the top left hex facing off the map to the top, you would consider that position on the map as 0101F1. And if you were just below that hex facing the same direction, it would be 0102F1; where 01 is the X position, 02 is the Y position and F1 is the direction your BattleMech is facing.

Initial Placement
Initial placement on the map board will be done randomly. Before the start, the Game Master will roll for each player’s starting location on the board. The minimum number of hexes between two BattleMechs will be determined by the Game Master based on the number of maps used and the number of players. In most games this is expected be no less than eight, though this can vary based on the factors mentioned above. There will be one movement phase before the first firing phase, so you will have a chance to find cover, if any exists.

Inititive Order
For each turn, an initiative order will be rolled. The results of the initiative order will be posted as part of the previous turns Firing post. For example, at the end of Turn 1, the initiative order will be determined and posted with the Turn 1 Firing results so players will know the impact for Turn 2. This will define the order in which all movement and firing occurs. This will be critical in certain scenarios as outlined in the Movement and Firing sections below.

Movement will be simultaneous. What this means is that everyone will submit movement declarations at the same time, and will move without any knowledge of what the other players on the map are going to do. This will require you to think about your moves, as well as your opponent’s potential moves, before making a declaration.

Movement has a special notation when submitting it to the Game Master. The Game Master can probably figure out what you're doing if you submit this wrong, but things will be much easier and quicker if it is done right. The proper way to submit movement declarations is as follows:
  • Movement Type-Starting Location-Movement(s)-Ending Location
So, let's say you started in 0101F1 and wanted to get to 0404F4 and the only way to get there was to run. You would submit it the following way:
  • Run-0101F1-0101F2-0101F3-0402F3-0402F4-0403F4-0404F4
As you can tell by the above, it looks a little cumbersome, but after a couple of turns you'll have it down pat with no problem what-so-ever. Provided you move in a straight line, there's no need to declare every hex in that line. Jumping should be declared in the same manner. While the path may not seem relevant, due to simultaneous movement and the possibility of 'Mechs ending in the same hex, it's important to know which direction you took to get to your intended target hex.

As a result of simultaneous movement, units are allowed to move through hexes occupied by enemy BatlleMechs. Since all units are in motion at the same time, it's assumed they occupy no hexes until the intended final hex. Only at that point is the hex considered occupied, and other units cannot end their turns in that same hex. This means that you can actually move through the hex which is occupied by a unit that chose not to move at all that turn, or is incapable of moving.

If two or more players declare the same hex at the end of movement, then rules similar to those outlined in Tactical Operations for simultaneous movement will be used. However, because all movement is simultaneous, should two or more players declare the same hex, I will reach out to the player who won initiative and they will have 24 hours to decide what action should be taken. In this scenario where two or more 'Mechs would end their movement in the same hex, the following rules apply:
  • Both 'Mechs try to claim the same hex in the same turn. The player with the better initiative roll gets to decide if they want to claim the hex, Charge/DFA the other player, or end his/her turn one hex short. In the absence of a suitable response from the player with the better initiative, the default will be to claim the hex. When claiming the hex, the player with the lower initiative roll ends up one hex short of the target, facing the hex they were intending to occupy (unless they were walking backwards into the hex, at which point their back would be facing that hex). If the player who won initiative declared a Charge/DFA, then it's rolled as normal during the physical attack phase.
  • A player tries to claim a hex already occupied by a player who's movement that turn was to stay in the hex, AND the player moving into the hex lost initiative (moved before the player). In this scenario, the player simply ends the move one hex short of the intended target.
  • A player tries to claim a hex already occupied by a player who's movement that turn was to stay in the hex, AND the player moving into the hex won initiative (moved after the player). In this scenario, the player entering the hex gets to decide if they want to end one hex short, or Charge/DFA the other player. In the absence of any declaration, the default will be to end one hex short. If the player who won initiative declared a Charge/DFA, then it's rolled as normal during the physical attack phase.
If a player is prone, they may submit multiple movement declarations in the order they would like them carried out, depending on when and if they are able to stand. For example, assume you had 6 movement points, which is enough for three attempts at standing. You may submit the following movement declarations:
  • Run-0101F1 (Prone)-0101F4-0104F4-0104F5 (1st attempt)
  • Run-0101F1 (Prone)-0101F4-0102F4-0102F3 (2nd attempt)
  • Run-0101F1 (Prone)-0101F3 (3rd attempt)
Players CAN be pushed, charged, or DFA'd off the map if they attempt to use the map edge. The map edge can be invaluable as a means to protect your back, or limit movement options for your opponent. But this also means that you can be displaced off the map if a player accurately predicts your movement, so take caution when using the map edge. Note that a player that ends on a map edge as a result of some action out of their control, or cannot move out of the map edge, cannot be displaced off the map that turn. Some examples may include:
  • If a player is displaced to the map edge during movement because another player claimed the same hex, that displaced player cannot be pushed, charged, or DFA'd off that turn. If they decide to stay in that same hex next turn, then they can be displaced off the map as they are making a conscious decision to use the map edge.
  • If a 'Mech is prone in a hex on the map's edge and requires a 9 or higher to stand, they are not required to make a stand attempt and can not be displaced off the map. If attempt to stand and fail, they cannot be displaced off the map. If they need an 8 or less and don't attempt to stand, they can be displaced off the map.
  • If a 'Mech is shut down, or the pilot is unconscious, they cannot be displaced off the map.
As you can see, the intent of the rule is that if you make a conscious decision to use the map edge, you can be displaced off the map. The Game Master has the final say if your move is deemed "conscious".

During the movement phase, no points are awarded to any players as a result of damage done to the BattleMech. This means if you fell during the previous turn as a result of weapons fire, attempting to stand and failing would not award any point to the players who inflicted damage on you the previous turn. This also means if you manage to kill yourself somehow during the movement phase, no player would get the credit for your kill.

Line of Sight
Line of sight will be deterministic instead of the standard "defender chooses" style that is the rule in a standard game of BattleTech. This is a necessity due to the nature of the type of game play required for Play-By-Web. Line of sight from a player to the target BattleMech, which passes through the spine of two adjacent hexes, will be determined in the following manner:
  • The hex sides which result in the highest to-hit modifier will be taken first
  • If neither side provides a higher to-hit modifier, then the side closes to the front for damage will be used (E.g., Front, left/right, then rear)
As you can see, with the defending player no longer deciding, the possibility exists that weapons fire will be coming in on your rear arc if it passes along the spine, and the to-hit modifier for that arc is greater than that of your side arc.

Firing will likewise be simultaneous. Every player will declare who they're firing at by the deadline, and then the Game Master will post the results in full detail. Firing declarations should be submitted with primary target listed first, secondary target second, and so on. Additionally, the order in which I roll to-hits as well as apply damage will be based on the order in which you list out the weapons. The following notation should be used:
  • Primary Target Player Name (Weapons Fired)
  • Secondary Target Player Name (Weapons Fired)
  • Tertiary Target Player Name (Weapons Fired)
Let's say there were two targets you wanted to fire at. For the secondary target, you wanted to ensure the medium laser damage was applied before the SRM damage. You would use the following notation (note you can shorten weapon names provided the meaning is clear):
  • Vagabond (3 PPC)
  • jymset (2 MLAS, 2 SRM 4)
Physicals are also done during this phase. If you wish to punch or kick someone, please inform the Game Master when submitting your firing resolution by simply stating what you wish to punch or kick with and at whom. Remember though, your ability to physical an opponent is all dependent on whether you're still standing or not.

All damage from weapons fire and physicals will be rolled based on that turns initiative order, rolling first for the player with the highest initiative order (e.g., 10) down to the player with the lowest initiative order (e.g., 1). Once a unit has been "killed", no additional damage from weapons fire or declared physicals will be resolved for that unit. For example, ammo explosions will not have their damage transfer if the explosion destroys the 'Mech by taking out the XL Engine in the side torso.

Deadlines will be posted for each phase (movement, firing). Deadlines will be dictated by the Game Master based on his available schedule, but shall be no less than two (2) days from when the previous phases results are posted. Phases can go quicker if all players submit their phase declarations prior to the deadline, and the Game Master has time available to resolve them. After that deadline has passed, or all declarations are received, the Game Master will make all applicable rolls.

If you do not submit your movement or firing declaration into the Game Master by the deadline, it will be considered a forfeited phase and you will take no action. If a player does not submit a movement declaration for two consecutive turns, he will be removed from the game. Likewise, if a player routinely misses movement or firing deadlines, but not in a way that would remove them from the game per the rule, the Game Master may decide to remove that player due to a continued lack of consistent participation. Player declarations of "Stand still" or "No fire" are considered valid, and will not count as forfeited turns.

The goal of this is to encourage active player participation, and to prevent players from gathering points off of a BattleMech run by an inactive player. When that player is removed, no points or kills will be awarded to any remaining players.

Communicating Declarations
All movement and firing declarations shall be submitted to the Game Master using the site messaging system available on Mordel.Net. This will ensure that your declarations are seen by only the Game Master. Any questions the Game Master has will likewise be sent via site message. It’s recommended that you enable email notifications for site messages if it is currently turned off.

While some Game Masters may send group messages letting you know a particular phase has ended, along with when the deadline for the next phase is, this will not always be the case and is not required. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure they actively check the website for game updates.

In addition, some Game Masters may like to use third party social media applications or sites such as Facebook. While it is no means a requirement, it is very helpful if the Game Master can quickly reach out to you in the event any questions or issues arise with your declared movement or firing. It is always the players decision if they wish to communicate such accounts to the Game Master.

Dice Rolls
All dice rolls will be rolled by the Game Master. The Game Master may decide what means are used to roll the dice. This may mean they roll 2d6 manually, use an online site, a dice application, or even have their kids roll for them! Regardless of the method, the Game Master will post a detailed description of all dice rolls within the post for the corresponding game.

Players in each game will be awarded points based on all damage they deal or can potentially be a result of their actions. Similarly, players will be awarded kills for units they destroy or had a hand in destroying.

Winners for a given game will not necessarily be the last one standing, but instead will be the player with the most awarded points (not kills). This encourages players to be aggressive, while cautious, in an attempt to inflict as much damage on your opponents as you can. Players who like to hide and snipe from constant cover, or swoop in to try to take out a near crippled BattleMech, will not score particularly well.

Points will be awarded based on the damage done as follows:
  • 1 point for each point of armor
  • 2 points for each point of internal structure
  • 5 points for each critical hit (limb blown off counts as 3 critical hits)
  • 25% of a BattleMech's tonnage as points for getting a "kill"
If multiple players are firing at the same BattleMech in a single turn, the player who gets the "kill"-shot (e.g., 3rd engine critical, head destroyed, etc.) will be the one deemed to have killed the BattleMech. If a BattleMech dies during the end phase (e.g., failed piloting followed by a critical on an ammo bin which destroys the BattleMech) as a result of damage it took during the firing phase, all players who did damage to it that turn will split the kill and points awarded provided no single player alone could have caused the kill. If a single player could have caused the kill without the other player's damage, then that player alone will get the kill and points. An example of this is player A doing 15 points of damage to armor. Player B then does 25 points to armor. If the target fails his pilot, falls, and is destroyed, player B would get the kill because player A's damage did not factor into the need for the piloting check. This will only happen in the event it is "clear-and-abvious" who should receive the kill.

Each game will have a points modifier based on the overall base Battle Value of the BattleMechs participating. The target Battle Value is 15,000. So if a game has eight players whose BattleMechs have a combine base Battle Value of 10,000, the game multiplier would be 1.5. All points awarded during that game will be modified by this value.

Points awarded in a given phase will also be modified based on the attacking and defending BattleMechs. The modifier will be equal to the final adjusted (based on Gunner/Pilot) Battle Value of the defending BattleMech divided by the final adjusted (based on Gunner/Pilot) Battle Value of the attacking BattleMech.

Consider the following scenario of a BattleMech with a final adjusted BV of 1000, and a BattleMech with a final adjusted BV of 2000; each doing 20 points of armor damage to one another in a single turn. Based on the above game multiplier of 1.5, the controlling players would be awarded the following points:
  • 1000 BV BattleMech – 60 points (20 * (2000 / 1000) * 1.5)
  • 2000 BV BattleMech – 15 points (20 * (1000 / 2000) * 1.5)
As you can see, there is a large upside for weaker units to attack powerful units, but a greatly increased risk of being killed due to the BV differential. More powerful units have very little incentive to chase down weaker units, and would be encouraged to attack units with an equal or greater Battle Value.

Leaderboards will be maintained to track the following statistics:
  • Highest point totals - Single game
  • Highest point totals - Current season
  • Highest point totals - All seasons
  • Highest point totals - All-time
  • Most kills - Single game
  • Most kills - Current season
  • Most kills - All seasons
  • Most kills - All-time
As noted, there will be defined "seasons" with which all games will be counted towards. At the end of the current season, all points and kills for a given player will be reset in preparation for the new season; though they will still be counted towards all-time totals.

Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator

[Last edited by Mordel on 15-Sep-2017 14:44; edited 2 times in total]
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Joined: 03-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 6075
Location: United States
PostPosted: 24-Jun-2016 15:05    Post subject: Game Rules Reply to topic Reply with quote

Game Map Key
Hill, Level 1Hill, Level 2Hill, Level 3
Hill, Level 4Hill, Level 5Hill, Level 6
Hill, Level 7

Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator
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