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The Yaku-Kan! [long text]
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 18-Feb-2002 21:54    Post subject: The Yaku-Kan! [long text] Reply to topic Reply with quote

The Yaku-Ri
(Jumping Separation)

In the year 2150, the Terran Alliance began a great undertaking. In the form of a Colony ship, a ship so large and massive that no ship before it could claim that is was no small feet. This was a time of exploration and advancement. And the Dedalus Class Colony Ship was to be a crowing achievement. Using an improved and experimental K-F Drive, the Dedalus was to be Earth’s best hope for a future. With its many Cargo Bays, and minor Industrial Facility the Dedalus is capable of populating any world it encounters. The drives where used a new construction method and had been recently tested by a scout ship. The new drives held great promise, and they were hurriedly mounted on to the Dedalus. This was to prove its undoing.

Shortly after leaving its moorings on June 4th 2150, the Dedalus signaled its intent to jump. This was not going to be a long jump, nor far. It was only to test the virgin drives. It has been speculated and argued in scientific circles for ages, but what happened on that day, was a turning point in human kind population of the stars. Never had there been a bigger incident then the Dedalus, and many annalists compared it to the Titanic of Accent Terra. When the Captain of the Dedalus, a shrewd, careful, considerate man, gave the order to jump… the Dedalus disappeared to never be seen again.

The Terran Alliance quickly killed the story, using its might, and control of the media to blame the catastrophe on the Construction Crews, Designers, and the Mighty Corporation that gained the contract to build the Dedalus. The whole Corporations was destroyed in less then a Week. Stock Prices dropped, and where sold at rates that made this the largest pull out of stocks in history. Just one week ago, the Fiddler and Cowins Production Corporation was the top of the Stock Market, selling shares at hundreds of dollars a share, and know they where only thirty cents a share. Even the larger business interest pulled their fingers out of F&C Production. The President and Vice President are recorded having committed Seppuku. For they could not stand the sham that had been brought on there company.

Shortly there after the Terran Alliance seized the companies assets and militarized the Space Production Facilities. New Laws where passed, and families of the lost crews had to be appeased. This put the productions of the Terran Alliances present Military Warships behind schedule. The Alliance was not happy with this. Their cover up had worked, and after reparations where paid, the Alliance got to work. With the growing pressure from the public, further testing of the Neo K-F drives where suspended and then later scrapped. Most of the new laws where to limit or redraw the Colony programs.

These Limits where in the form of Colony Ship specifications, and who could qualify for Colonization of new planets. Even thou the best scientist and laborers where chosen for duty on the Dedalus, not everyone was to be a laborer on the new Colony. Many people where on board searching for a new life, and they meant to make the Colony that life. It was this loses of life that caused the largest out rage among the people. Who at first praised the Alliance for its willingness to allow not only the best on this New World, but where now being screamed at by the very same people who praised them. This allowed the Alliance to level a lot of laws that would come back to haunt them later.

It was this that caused many to speculate that the Alliance knew that the Dedalus would never survive its trip. That the Alliance itself sabotaged the mission, so they could level new laws, and programs. Now only the rich or well knowledge could become a colonist. While the rest where left under the direct ruling of the ever-growing cancer that was called the Terran Alliance.

Where are we?

These where the words that spread through the halls of the TAS Dedalus, minutes after its fateful trip to this strange land. When the Dedalus had first materialized in this new space everybody shouted for Joy. Even the Captain got on the Comm and reported to all hands, Jump Successful. But these words where to be soon repealed and changed to news of horror. As the Captain was making his speech, the Bridge Crew got to their duties quickly and as a good crew should. The Comm Officer got the on the radio and broadcast the Hailing Single for the ship that should have been waiting.

The only thing that answered was silence and void, the Void of space. The void the gives no comfort, the void the can kill just by existing. Very quickly everybody the Bridge knew something was not right. It was to quite; there should have been radio traffic, and ships. There was nothing, just the big black ocean of space. Sensors reported nothing, Comm reported nothing, and Navigation then gave the Words that would remain in the minds of everybody from that day on. “Where are we?”

The crew’s joy was killed almost instantly as the Captain ordered Yellow alert and sounded general quarters. For the next hour the crew would sit at battle stations waiting for something, anything. It was after two hours the Captain ordered all hands to stand down, and informed the crew of the bad news. As the Captain gave his news to the crew, everybody everywhere on the ship stopped and listened. The speech was to be recorded and used by Historians for the next thousand years.

“This is your Captain. I have grave news, while the Jump was successful, and the Dedalus is fine. We are not in any part of known space. We have somehow, left our area of the Galaxy and ended up somewhere. We are working on finding out what has happened and what we can do about it. At this time you are all ordered to do your duties, as you would have. I promise you all, we will survive. God Bless, and good night.”

It was found out, months later that just as the shipped jump, an anomaly was detected near the ship. It is believed that this anomaly caused the unproven Fold Engines to catapult the Dedalus to another part of the Galaxy. It is in fact a miracle that the ship survived this Failed Jump at all. The Captain order Astronavigation to use they’re full resources to find out where the Dedalus was and if they could get home. Also at this time, the Engineering Crews commenced repairs on the Fold Drives. These changes would result in a theory that would be later implemented. This would reveal to us the secret of Etherspace.

It took another month before Astronavigation could locate where in the Galaxy there where in. They could only give ruff estimates and guesses, but the results where all the Captain needed. The results where bad. The ship would not be able to handle the trip necessary to return to there home world, to Return to Terra. It was with a heavy heart, that the Captain then gave the order that would start a new future and a New Hope for these lost soles. He ordered them to colonize a nearby planet that he had been having the Research Boys working on. It was a planet so much like Terra that it scared many. It had primitive life, but nothing past that of Gorilla like animals.

There was only one land large landmass, with multiple smaller islands out in the oceans. The water content was about equal to that of earth; this was the type of planet that Colonists prayed for. One that could be a new home, one that was perfect, one where humans could start again, and this was so. They colonized the planet, and in less then 6 months had an operational self-sustaining colony. Using all of the advancements in Ecological Friendly Technology that had been developed on Terra in the last thousand years, they began constructing power stations and housing. Schools where opened and Libraries built. Factories that used non-geological damaging processes where started, and most of all a hospital was erected.

Most of the time for the first 20 years was spent surviving and making this New World there home. They encountered new disease and had new resources. They constructed all of the necessary building and facilities. The Dedalus would remain the Capital of the New World for 59 years, before it was decommissioned and converted in to a space station. It was during this time of building in the first 20 years, that the first native of the new planet was born. He was given the name Sho-Shi Kamazuki, this man would go on to live a full life, and would become more then any would have dreamed.

The Government was set up around the Dedalus, with a Civil Government that would report to the Military branch. This was done to protect the people of Yaku-Ri, the people of this New World. The Civil Government holds power over the people and is elected as per the Terran Alliance Colonization Compact. The Civil Government was to rule the colony and report to the Terran Alliance government, but as the Terran Alliance was no longer in the picture, the Military stepped in. Captain Yiroku Schwang was a brave man, charismatic and straightforward. He was as adept to Political Battles as he would be to a Military Conflict. He steered the Fledgling government through its first baby steps, and was always there to prevent them from falling too hard.

Fall many times the Civil Government did. As the Terran Alliance (What better way to insure control) had planted political personnel in the Colonists, they proved corrupt and stuck in the olds ways of doing business. These persons who would have worked well in a Civil Government linked to Terra, failed horribly when left to there own. They acted as if they where a cancer, struggling to gain power. And the people and most of all Captain Schwang would have none of this. These people where removed and replaced with people who even thou they had no Official Political training could and would perform for the people.

The Captain would lead the people quietly for 60 years where he then died at the age of 93. It is said that the Captain died the day that the Military conceded power to the Civil Government, as the Capital had finally been finished. It is believed by many that he didn’t trust the military officers, but it is rumored that he just wanted to be alive when they finally became a people, his people. The people he had dreamed and guided. He died with a smile on his face and a tear on his cheek. Could he have cried for the glorious achievements that the people of Yaku-Ri had managed to do, through all of the troubles?

A statue of him was erected in Capital Gardens. Right in front of the Capital Building. The large plaque on the statue reads, “To the memory of the man, and the ideas that brought our people through adversity to become that which we are today. Let this stand for all time, as to remind us of the sacrifice that this one man made for the whole. “Only with the straight and vision of the young; combined with wisdom and experience of the old. Shall we survive. For the good of the many, over the good of the few, or the one.” Captain Yiroku Schwang, Terran Alliance Defense Force, Yaku-Ri Defense Force, and the Father of us all.

Thou it may have seemed that in the big picture the Captain did little. It ends up it was not him directly, but the young man who he took under his wing, and taught to be a leader. And a Leader this man became. This young mans name is Major Sho-Shi Kamazuki, yes the first person born on the planet Yaku-Ri. It was in his blood and through his line that the people that would call themselves the Yaku-Ri would emerge, to lead the people to glory.

Sho-Shi Kamazuki was a leader, and assumed the position of Captain of the Yaku-Ri Defense Force or the YRDF. By this time he was already in his 50. He had served with Captain Schwang for about 30 years, and had learned everything the Captain had to teach him, and took this knowledge and gained more. He would serve in YRDF for 43 years before he would move into semi retirement in his early 70's. During this time he would teach his Grand Children, and become aid to his own son who would also become part of the YRDF. Like his mentor, Sho-Shi Kamazuki would die still part of the YRDF, and like his mentor also in the Captains Chair on board the Dedalus.

The Age of Exploration!

We are the people of exploration, and finding new challenges
Of finding new ideas, and new hopes
That is who we are, and we can never forget that!
: The Words of Sho-Shi Kamazuki

It would prove to be his son that would turn the world of Yaku-Ri into the power it resembles now. He would finish the construction of the Dry Dock Facilities on board the Floating Space Station Dedalus. These Dry Docks would become the Mighty ShipYards of the Yaku-Ri in the future. In less then 10 years he would get the Dry Docks to produce 2 Small Colony Ships and 3 Very Small Warships. All of these ships would be powered by Fusion Reactors and would posses the new Etherspace Deamsonal Drive, or Etherdrive. These engines like Jumpcores cause a folding effect allowing the travel of space. It is complicated to say exactly how, but the Etherdrive opens a whole in the Hyperspace Barrier, and allows the ship to move from one point to another.

The Etherdrive is modeled after the Neo K-F Drive that was mounted in the Dedalus. After it’s decommission scientist preceded to retro engineer the drive, in an attempt to find out how it worked. While a Jump Fold Effect could be produced from the CORE, it was initally highly unstabel and fragile to spacial anomalies, and proved unreliable at first for folds. But it was found that if the energy was channeled properly the Etherdrive could produce a constant Spatial Disturbance, while small it allowed the Ship to Travel through it. This required less power then a K-F Drive did, thus did not have to recharge as long as a K-F Drive.

When explored the Etherdrive proved to be hard to handle, but over 50 years the scientists managed to work out the flaws in the design. The new Etherdrive uses less power then an equivalent K-F Drive, and gives a similar result in travel. Etherdrives like K-F Drive’s can move an equiped ship 30 light years per fold operation. Unlike a K-F Drive the charge time for a Etherdrive is 50% less, meaning a Etherdrive ship can move twice as far as a K-F Drive equiped ship in the same amount of time.

It was these ships that opened to Yaku-Ri to their destiny. Small Explorations of the surrounding worlds and solar systems where undertaken. These where merely explorational in nature, and many of the worlds explored where uninhabitable. Even thou, there was one world in particular that held great potential. It was a Giant Monster, with a Dry Desert Climate, that was caught in a Binary System. The gravity of the planet was higher then Terra or Yaku-Ri, but proved capable of human life. The problem was who ever was to life here would have to be able to resist 2 g’s all the time.

Even in the last 100 years, the population of Yaku-Ri was not that of a world that could support a new Colony of its own. Thou it was settled that an Out Post would be established on the planet that would become known as Ryu-Kaku, or Dragon Harvest. This was do to the blasted surface. It is like a Dragons Breath on the surface, Harsh and Cruel. SandStorms rise up out of the Deep Savanna’s, sweeping across the surface at 30 to 50 miles an hour. Heat Blasts that cause dehydration is hours. A cruel world, for a Tuff People, and these people are here to gather the Harvest. The planet is covered with Minerals and Ores of all type, one of which is Germanium, a key piece of metal in Etherdrives and K-F Drive construction. The metal is usually rare, but on this planet it is in abundance.

These systems where explored over 20 years, with many holding promise. All of these systems are within 60 light years of Yaku-Ri, all with different types of weather, terrain, and possabilities. This exploration of star systems would remain in the blood of all of the people of Yaku-Ri for over 800 years, infact it forms the core idea of most of the schools of thought in Yaku-Ri.

The Development of a People

We are a proud people,
A strong people,
Long live the Empire.
: The Words of Shou-Shi Kamazuke

It was during these years of exploration that the people of Yaku-Ri became what they are. For 200 years the people that are called the Yaku-Ri flurished in there new home. They expanded and gained in population. Another Four colonies would be established, giving rise to the great houses of the Yaku-Ri, but this would not happen for another 100 years, but even now the sturrings of discontenment and hatred where brewing. It has been proven that human can never escape the past, and this would hunt them. For as the people became used, and now that most of the first settelers where dead, that left only the very old, or local born people to run things.

And as they learned, and advanced, they started forgetting where they had come from, and what had happened to every world and country that had ever existed in the history of man. Corruption and Political manuverings where starting to find there way in to the Cival Government. People started to become angered that they where restricted to the orders of the Military, even thou this was far from the truth. Groups of people, descendents of those that where stripped of there political power back during the beginning year of the Cival Government. They where slowly working on destorying the power that had caused there families there right full place. For the next two hundred years, these things would burn under the surface of the people. All the while the powers behind them, waited for the time to strike and take the power from the people.

In the last 200 years, all of the Three Major Out Posts had grown in to Colonies, and the Government on Yaku-Ri reconginized there right to have a local government that would answer to the Cival Government on Yaku-Ri. This was done, as a Local Government could better control the actions of there world, without the time delay of sending messages to the Cival Government on Yaku-Ri. These leaders where chossen from the Local People, by the Local People and confirmed by the Cival Government. This was done back when the Out Post was first formed, and many of the Families chosen back then still hold power to this day.

It was in 2460 when the boiling pot finaly spilled over. The first war in the history of Yaku-Ri broke out. It was a battle started by the shadows, between the now forming House Ryu, and House Tan. This war was short lived, but presented the future. As each of the Colonies now sought to out manuver there enemy, by building new weapons, New Machines, and rebuilding of equipment long thought lost to the need of the colonies. This started the ground work for the future.

These battles would continue but would only occure as minor skirmishes between house forces. The whole time, and over the next 100 years, the Yaku-Ri Houses would form in to nations, each making new colonies. In time the Houses would form the body of the Empire, and would span a distance of 400 light year from Yaku-Ri.

It would come about, after about 300 years of existence that the Yaku-Ri would incure a great catastouphy. A event that would forever alter the state of the Yaku-Ri Nation, and would give Birth to the Yaku-Kan Empire. This Age would be forever known as the Age of War.
The Age of War

The enemy of our nation,
Is Us.
: An Unknown General

After 300 years of existence the forces that had been eating at the gut of the Yaku-Ri finaly gained that which they most prized. Control of the Cival Government. These forces immediately saught to destroy that which could oppose them, the YRDF.

The cival government had become corrupt and was now controlled by the Shadow, a secreat organization formed when the Cival Authorities of the first Cival Government where displaced by the YRDF. Over 300 years, they had maintained there hatred, and thurst for power. Infact this lust had only increased in time. The slowly worked from the Shadows to munipulate and influence the Cival Government Officals in to doing what they wished.

There grip on the government was confirmed when there heights Member gained the Office of control in the Yaku-Ri Cival Government. Over the next 6 years he worked slowly, with the aid of the Shadow to destroy all those that would oppose them. Stiring up hatred for the YRDF in the common people, by implying that they where an oppresive reminder of the old days.

They placed there members in every position of power they could. After 6 years in office, and having been elected for another term, the Shadow Member, Defanous Amaris, began his reform plans. These plans where supposed to improve the Cival Government and improve overall life styles of the people.

But in actuallity, these reforms started taking away the freedoms of the people. At first these moves where minor, and could be over looked by all but the extremists. Who where now being slandered by the media. The formation of the CDF, Civil Defense Force, was started. The CDF was equiped with new equipment and trained in military ways of fighting. They quickly grew in to a force that could oppose the YRDF, whose fundings had started to be cute back, as it so called gutted the finacial structure of the Yaku-Ri.

The Colonies had started to become more and more controlled by the Civil Government. Where as they had previously been controlled by the Local Appointed Officals, they where now overseen by Civil Government Liasons. Taxes where starting to be increased. For the next 30 years this would occure. All the while, the small moves where combining in to a massive front.

This front would explode in to out right war, when after a quick succession of Laws, that crippled the rights of the people, and all but destroyed the Basic Rights established in the Charter. The call was as also given and passed thru the Civil Government on a Unanimous Vote for the desolving of the YRDF. The people of the Nation started opposing the Civil Government. That was when Amaris declared Martial Law, and seized all of the Governmental Control Agencies.

The CDF was deployed and quickly took control of over 90% of the Military Facilities. The action was commited so fast, that most of the YRDF was caught off guard. The lose of life was low do to the unprepared nature of the YRDF. But a large amount of the YRDF went to ground, and planned for a counter attack.

The populace of Yaku-Ri and its colonies would quickly indure a harsh time. The government would imprision Thousands of YRDF Members, and Thousands of Civilians who opposed the government. These would be used for free production of materials. The conditions and treatment where on the likes, that had not been seen for over 500 years.

The upcoming war would be soon known as the Civil Reformation War. After about a month of planning the counter attack began. With the YRDF and CDF fight many fierce battles all over the the Nation. The fighting would last for 9 months with the YRDF finally winning with a stunning defeat of the CDF forces around Yaku-Ri. Thousands of soldiers where lost on both sides of the fighting.

The death toll would be accounted at the death of 61% of the CDF Personel, the surrender of 19%, and the Escape of 20%. One of the Escapies was Amaris himself. The lose on the YRDF was worse, with a death toll of 83%, and was increased by a 0% surrender rate. Because of the fact that none of the YRDF would surrender, it caused many of the CDF members to come to fear them, and break under attack. This weapon was used to get success but much lose by the YRDF.

With the withdraw of the CDF forces to the edge of the empire after 9 months of fighting, the Yaku-Ri finaly new peace and freedom again. Many of thousands of civilians would need medical treatment, and would suffer for decades after words from sever physcoligical damage. The efforts required by the YRDF would prevent them from destroying the rest of the CDF.

This would form a lasting hatred and vigulance by the Yaku-Ri.
The Founding of a Empire

We have seen much pain,
We have seen much suffering,
But I will assure you,
That never again will it happen.
:The First Emperor Emerial Kamazuke

After the war of Civil Reformation, the YRDF and there leader Emerial Kamazuke would lead the people of Yaku-Ri. With the destruction and general hatred of the Civil Government, Emerial Kamazuke would step up to guide his people, by filling the void of Governmental Control.

A learned man, he had studdied the Texts on Ancient Europe and Japan. With this knowledge he would form the Yaku-Kan Empire. The empire was structure similar to that of Fuedalistic times, placing his most trusted advisors in the positions of power. All of the Local Government Leaders supported the YRDF during there 9 month camaign against the CDF. These men would be returned to there places of power, and would truly rule there nations and would be know as the Duke’s.

Other trusted advisors would take control of the lesser colonies, and over time would swear alligence to the Major Collonies. Each Duke would have direct control over his nation. He could guide them anyway he saw fit, as long as it did not break the rule and dictates of the Imperial Lord. The Duke’s family would retain control of the Nation thru passing it down from one Duke or Duchess to another. Thus securing the Houses of the Yaku-Kan, of the Empire.

Each Duke or Duchess would always heed the orders of there Imperial Lord.

Never in the history has a Duke or Duchess gone against an Imperial Decrey, as it would certainly bring death, and destruction on his house. For not only is the Imperial Guard more powerfull then other house units, but apone order, the other houses would also bring there might to bear on the offending house. This balance of honor and fear has always kept the local houses in line.
Modern Day

We have come along way from our
Humble beginings.
And we shall go even further,
In to the future.
: The Imperial Lord Jauntoe Kamazuke

After the formation of the Empire, the Imperial Lord soon called the Yaku-Ri the Yaku-Kan. We are still refeared by that name even untill today. For the last 600 years we have always learned, and advanced. Always remembering our ancent enemy the CDF, who waits out in the dead of space for use to slip up. To strike us when we are weak.

It has occurred many times thru out history, that disputes between Nobel lords would cause them to go to arms against one another. Recognizing this, the Imperial Lords attempt to mediate, but never stop the fighting. This has brought around a sort of semi ritualistic combat style. Armies will not fight in Urban Areas at all cost, they will never bring the power of there Warships to bear on ground troops, and they will never attack civilian transports.

Usualy, the fighting is fierce but quick, with only the longest battles lasting a year. Each houses has mainly the same type of units. Tanks, Fighters, Warships, and Dropships, but some have developed over the years new weapons and vehicles. Each attempts to keep these weapons a secrete soley for his house, but usually fails at this. Many times, the Imperial Guard, get wind of this new technology and seize a sample for testing, and development.

We have a proud history of Military action. Many if not all of our people have been or are part of the military. It is because of this that I venture to mention the Great War College’s. These are places of honor, that any graudate would be proud to have attented. These are the Imperial Academy, on Yaku-Ri. The Yuki-Ri Military Academy, and the Kia-Tam Military University.

Any one who attends the Imperial Academy usually is garenteed a position in the Imperial Guard. With admitence to the Yaku-Ri Academy open for general attendance of any person in the Empire. The Kia-Tam Military University is the personal University of House Tam, on planet Garrentia. Only members of House Tam can gain entrence to the University, and are then allowed to join the Elite Tam House Guard, which rivels the Imperial Guard in there rare ability.

This is the history of our great Empire. This is the history of use. We are the Yaku-Kan.

The Houses of the Yaku-Kan

There are 5 Houses of the Empire:

House Ryu: These are some of the best ground infantry troopers in the Empire. They have developed most of the Bi-Pedial Ground Units. Power Suits, and Guages are there brain child. They are fearce combatants in Hand to Hand Combat, and there size and strenght is the result the development on mostly high G worlds, like there capital Ryu-Kaku They are well known for there long lasting hatred of House Tam.

House Tam: Intelligent and Cunning. They have developed some of the best ground units in the Empire. They are also masters at Espionage. Where they lake in Physical Strenght to House Ryu, they gain in Training and Technologies. They are on friendly terms with house Sni, but have a long lasting dislike for House Ryu.

House Sni: A people of the stars. House Sni is well known for its suppor Aero-Fighters pilots and machines then the rest of the houses, but the conditions that result in this is because unlike the others major houses, House Sni is consistent of multiple small spacestation and space colonies. Born out of nessecity for defense there fighters are better then any other house, except the Imperial Guard. But because of there strenght they are weak in there Ground Forces then all the other houses.

House Lee: A house similar to House Sni, House Lee is also a space fairing people, but unlike there Counter Parts they have more Ground Based Opperations. There strenght is there direct decedence to the YRDF Engineer Major Brain Lee. Major Lee was one of the people that developed the Exploration Vessels, and all of his line has had a love for Warship Design. This has resulted in House Lee have Warships Large then any other house. Only the Yuka-Kan Class Warship is Large then those Fielded by House Lee.

House Ri (The Imperial House): The Imperial House has the longest traditions, and longest existing production capablities. This results in a a great level of technology over the other Houses. House Ri has in its military Powered Suits, Guages, and the Venerable Yaku-Kan Class Battleship, which is produced out of the Yaku-Ri Space Yards.

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Clan Hell's Horses
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 04-Mar-2002 12:53    Post subject: The Yaku-Kan! [long text] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Vagabond, You have way to much time on your hands.

But I am glad to see you put it to good use. I like

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