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Cardstock Leopard   Download Now!  File Size: 2,289,873 bytes
Title: Cardstock Leopard
Member: Storm
Date: 14-Jul-2007 17:03
Times Downloaded: 2664
Category: Printouts
Description: Zipped file containing the parts for 1 CBT-scaled cardstock Leopard model and instructions. Includes alternate doors for cargo version, and LRM-20 turret instead of Twin PPCs.

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It's been posted to a few different paper modeling sites and gotten great reviews.


Number of Reviews:  1 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  5.00
Member Review - Mordel : 15-Jul-2007 17:16
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 5.00
Comment: I personally don't have an immediate need for this, but I just want to say that this is a pretty cool printout! Excellent detail and great instructions.
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