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Title: Field Manual: Updates
Category: Sourcebook
Member: Mordel
Formats: Print  |  PDF
ISBN-10: 3-89064-976-9
ISBN-13: 978-3-89064-976-4
Publisher: FanPro 
Product ID: 10976
Copyright: © 2003
Cover Art: Cover Art
©2024 The Topps Company, Inc.

For five long years the Inner SPhere has known war on a scale not seen in centuries, with the militaries of literally every faction involved in combat to one extent or another. Now, as relative peace appears to be settling over the Inner Sphere, a review of the military forces of the BattleTech universe are in order.

Classic BattleTech Field Manual: Updates updates all ten FIeld Manuals, including a history section that will bridge the gap between where the appropriate Field Manual left off and the current year of 3067, as well as a complete and current TO&E for all factions. Updated random 'Mech assignment tables for all factions are also included.
Number of Reviews:  1 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  4.50
Member Review - Paul : 07-Nov-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.50
Comment: Comprehensive and huge book which details each faction's military since their respective last FMs. Great book to start out with, as it provides a LOT of detail on the militaries of man, and pretty much sets things up right before the Jihad. Great tool if you're planning on playing in that, or if you prefer to plot your own course, this book could be a great starting point for your campaigns.
The random assignment tables are pretty cool too. Great campaign tool, or to help you find inspiration for pick up games. I really dig how they're split up based on faction *and* tech level.

In my opinion, only the House Handbooks top this tome, but it's a close race. I love detail and fluff, and through necessity, the Updates have to skimp a bit on that. You only have so many page to work with.

If you don't have this book, you should. 238 pages of goodness for $24.99 is a steal.
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