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Product Information
Title: Classic BattleTech
Category: Box Set
Member: Mordel
Formats: Print
ISBN-10: 3-89064-980-7
ISBN-13: 978-3-89064-980-1
Publisher: FanPro 
Product ID: 10980
Copyright: © 2002
Cover Art: Cover Art
©2024 The Topps Company, Inc.

Strap yourself into the ultimate suit of armor: the BattleMech®. Thirty feet tall and weighing up to a hundred tons, this humanoid engine of destruction is a walking arsenal with enough firepower to level a city block. The Classic BattleTech® game system takes you into the world of the 31st Century, where was has become a way of life. In command of the most powerful machine on the battlefield, your MechWarrior® fights to take a planet or lose an engine.

The introductory game in the Classic BattleTech line, the Classic BattleTech box set hurtles you onto the battlefields of the 31st century. This box contains everything needed to play, inluding:
  • 48 full-color, stand-up cardboard playing pieces representing 24 of the most common BattleMechs used in the Inner Sphere
  • The Classic BattleTech Universe, a 48-page full-color book containing universe background and BattleMech technical data
  • One 64-page rulebook
  • One 24-page book of pre-generated BattleMech Record Sheets
  • One 16-page full-color quick-start rulebook that will have you into the action in minutes
  • Two 22" X 27" full-color mapsheets
  • Two six-sided dice
  • One full-color, poster-sized map of the Inner Sphere circa 3067
Number of Reviews:  4 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  4.12
Member Review - parafighter : 11-Apr-2005 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 5.00
Comment: A very good starter set. The instructions are easy too use, get a book explaining the battletech universe and a map of space.
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Member Review - Boneshaman : 03-Nov-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 2.50
Comment: for beginners it a good one but i was very disappointed. in some of the older ones had plastic minutes and this one didn't if it had some popular plastic Clan and IS i would give it a higher rating
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Member Review - Wanallo : 05-Jun-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 5.00
Comment: One of the best starter sets around. Plenty of mechs, very easy instructions and a nice set of maps to play with. Wel worth the asking price, one of the few games which is actually fun to learn. The starter rules are great and lets you play a simplified game, from which you can build on until you include all the lvl 1 rules.
The map is one of the best inclusions in this set, as well as the history of the Battletech universe booklet giving the player a good background on the game. A must for anyone who wants to start playing the great game.
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Member Review - Paul : 18-Nov-2003 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.00
Comment: A logical starting point for any new player, or someone interested in teaching new players.

The new boxed set is pretty well stocked with a broad range of goodies that gives anyone a good idea about what they can expect from the Battletech universe. The 3067 map is pretty awesome, the quick play rules are very useful to get you started, and there's a good bit of eyecandy. Bit pricy, but in my opinion you get what you pay for. This box accomplished it's purpose well.

Not a must-have for a seasoned player with no interest in teaching others, pretty much anyone else can expect to benefit.
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