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Title: Objective Raids
Category: Sourcebook
Member: Mordel
Formats: Print  |  PDF
ISBN-10: 1-55560-173-1
ISBN-13: 978-1-55560-173-7
Publisher: FASA 
Product ID: 1665
Copyright: © 1992
Cover Art: Cover Art
©2024 The Topps Company, Inc.
Description: Objective Raids is an indispensable resource for BattleTech and MechWarrior players, providing current listings of units and industries on worlds along the border of the Clan occupation zone.

A discussion of the tactics for conducting raids, two representative industrial floor plans, and a reference guide for locating the manufacturing site of any BattleMech, vehicle, aerospace fighter or component is also included.
Number of Reviews:  2 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  3.25
Member Review - DarkAdder : 24-Feb-2007 12:21
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 3.50
Comment: I can see this book on the shelf of just about any serious BattleTech player. Simply for the wealth of information available. i wish I had this when I was running a MW RPG. It would have given me the ability to give their missions a bit more flavor besides 'defend this building' or 'attack this manufacturing center'
If this book has any down side, at least as far as I could tell, it was that it tried to give you too much information at once. And while that information was fairly accurate and true, it contained enough flaws to confuse people just that much more.
Still worth the price for the sheer satisfaction of saying you have this book, thoguh.
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Member Review - Paul : 07-Nov-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 3.00
Comment: Cool concept for the detail junkies! Detailed production information for pretty much anything that's built in known space.

The execution is less stellar. While pretty much everything was yanked from the hordes of sourcebooks and TRO's, and while it's clear the author spent huge gobs of effort on getting things right, the fact of the matter is that a lot of it's inaccurate. They either failed to take some inconsistencies in to account, and added quite a few new ones. Throughout the community, OR is not considered very reliable as a source, but it's not completely worthless neither. It puts a LOT of data in easy to review and thoroughly indexed fashion. This can still be a great tool in your campaigns, if you can be flexible enough about the mistakes.

It may not living up to it's awesome potential, but it's worth your cash.
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